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    Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
    I guess the only "real" conservative media outlets are Fox and the New York Post.
    Who reads the news to you?
    Gee, this from the "conservative Fox News"

    Fox's Shepard Smith: 'We're Having Trouble With Many People' Denying Global Warming
    By Ken Shepherd | August 2, 2007 - 16:03 ET
    (h/t Allahpundit of Hot Air)

    Sounding more like ABC's Sam Champion or Al Gore than a "fair and balanced" news anchor, Fox's Shepard Smith slammed Americans in general and his studio audience in particular in a recent "Studio B" interview with a British man who swam at the North Pole as a global warming-related publicity stunt.

    See the YouTube video below the fold. Here's an excerpt of the exchange:

    SHEPARD SMITH, host: “It’s hard to believe this, but there are people watching us right now, and I’ll get e-mails from hundreds of them, who don’t think we have anything to do with this. They refuse to believe it. They believe that what’s happening is they want to try to tax us on our carbon eventually, and that this is all a conspiracy to get us.”LEWIS PUGH, man who swam at the North Pole: “Well, you know, that’s an unfortunate situation.”SMITH: “It is unfortunate, but it’s the truth, they believe it.”[…]SMITH: “I think the place where we’re having trouble with many people in this country, is convincing people them that it’s our fault. That it’s not just one of those things. How do we do that?”
    Sounds like Shep should do his homework. Carbon taxes are not some loopy conspiracy, they're being batted around by the left as a policy response to "climate change."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychoblues View Post
    Science really does fuck you up, doesn't it, rsr? Give me a little of your science about fear. I've seen it demonstrated quite clearly for about 6 years now.
    Global Warming Causes Drop in Supply of Bulgarian Prostitutes
    By Noel Sheppard | August 2, 2007 - 10:24 ET
    There appears to now be a double-secret, international competition to figure out new planetary ills that can somehow be tied - regardless of the seeming inanity - to manmade global warming.

    This announcement out of Toronto could be the best yet: a warmer climate is causing stray cats - no, not Brian Setzer and the boys - to mate more frequently thereby resulting in an explosion in furry, feral felines.

    On the other hand, the frontrunner has to be brothels in Bulgaria that are having a hard time finding employees because ‘the best prostitutes have moved to ski resorts, where they entertain tourists who cannot ski because of a lack of snow."

    You really can't make this stuff up.

    As reported Wednesday in Canada's National Post (emphasis added throughout, better stow potables):

    An explosion in Toronto's stray cat population is the latest phenomenon being blamed on global warming, joining a growing list of evils that includes increases in hay fever and seal mating as well as decreases in the supply of maple syrup and Bulgarian prostitutes.

    While climate change is frequently cited as the cause for hurricanes, tornadoes and droughts, not all of its alleged effects are Biblical in proportion. The Toronto Humane Society recently announced its shelter is filled to capacity and cited global warming as a possible cause of the overcrowding.

    Brace yourselves for the hysterical explanation:

    Lee Oliver, a Humane Society spokesman, said the warmer weather appears to be giving cats a chance to mate three times each year instead of the usual two.

    "Cats are now copulating in February, which is supposed to be a really cold month," Mr. Oliver said. "But animals are getting out because it's relatively warm, their internal signals seem to be telling them that it is time to mate because the warm weather's coming, and so we're seeing an earlier litter."

    Mr. Oliver said the February fornication produces a litter in late March or early April with broods following in May and August. And while each year's first batch of kittens used to be smaller, the Humane Society is now finding all three litters are roughly the same size.

    "The less hardy cats who may have waited until the warmer weather are now mating sooner," Mr. Oliver said.

    This almost reads like a beatnik poem, doesn't it? I can almost hear bongos in the background. How ‘bout you?

    Speaking of tawdry bar scenes, I'm sure you're all dying to hear more about the brothel problem in Bulgaria:

    But not everyone's love life has been improved by climate change. Brothel owners in Bulgaria are now reportedly having trouble attracting workers. The owners claim the best prostitutes have moved to ski resorts, where they entertain tourists who cannot ski because of a lack of snow.

    "We have hired students, but they are temps and nothing like our elite girls," Petra Nestorova, who runs an escort agency in Sofia, told the United Kingdom's Metro newspaper.

    I'm sorry. I can't type anymore. Talk amongst yourselves.

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    Here is what i think the problem is.

    We are arguing over a name.

    Whether its global warming or climate change, the reality is this.

    Like any issue, we need to come up with smart, fiscally responsible solutions, that take into considerations all factors, including consequences and possible outcomes.

    Conservatives and democrats realizing we can come up with solutions good, conservatives and democrats having a pissing contest to see who is right about the environment, not so good.

    How about more oil refineries (in the usa) in the short term, to boost supply to the american market, and in the long term, try to actually become energy independant... if brazil can do it, why cant we, and oil independendance has been talked about for over the last thirty years, by different presidents, and im sure the different congresses. Solutions first, blame and name calling last.

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    I dont think warmth and love have been in politics for over 200 years
    Quote Originally Posted by Psychoblues View Post
    Your idiocy exceeds your intelligence, rsr.

    No love and warmth coming from this direction.

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    Quote Originally Posted by actsnoblemartin View Post
    I dont think warmth and love have been in politics for over 200 years

    If you attack the Clintons publically make sure all your friends know your not planning on commiting suicide ~ McCain 2008
    Happiness is Obama's picture on the back of a milk carton.

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    Quote Originally Posted by actsnoblemartin View Post
    Here is what i think the problem is.

    We are arguing over a name.

    Whether its global warming or climate change, the reality is this.

    Like any issue, we need to come up with smart, fiscally responsible solutions, that take into considerations all factors, including consequences and possible outcomes.

    Conservatives and democrats realizing we can come up with solutions good, conservatives and democrats having a pissing contest to see who is right about the environment, not so good.

    How about more oil refineries (in the usa) in the short term, to boost supply to the american market, and in the long term, try to actually become energy independant... if brazil can do it, why cant we, and oil independendance has been talked about for over the last thirty years, by different presidents, and im sure the different congresses. Solutions first, blame and name calling last.
    We are talking about the long list of crap libs have sprewed over the decades

    In the 70' we were told about global cooling and the next ice age

    In the late 80's and early 90's we were told about global warming and how the Earth was burning up

    Now it is climate change and how global warming will give us the next Ice Age

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    Quote Originally Posted by actsnoblemartin View Post
    I dont think warmth and love have been in politics for over 200 years
    Libs made it an artform in the 90's with the Clinton mob

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

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    August 03, 2007
    Global Warming Propaganda Factory
    By Christopher J. Alleva

    have often wondered how the media are in such lock step on Global Warming. Well, I wonder no more. Recently, I came across a website for the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ). This website is veritable tool box for any budding reporter assigned to the global warming beat. If you're an editor at the Palookaville Post, all you have to do is send your cub reporters to this site and they'll have everything they need to write an article that fits the template and action line perfectly.

    The SEJ was founded in 1989. The association is considered an indispensable resource among many reporters. The SEJ proclaims their mission to be the creation of a formal network of reporters that write about environmental issues. To that end, they maintain a website, run a listserv and send out regular email alerts to coordinate the coverage and make sure no one deviates from story template and action line. To reinforce this, they regularly conduct conferences and workshops teaching propaganda writing techniques and holding indoctrination seminars. To promote hands on discipline, they offer a "mentoring program."

    In January of this year, the SEJ published what they call Climate change: A guide to the information and disinformation. The guide is neatly organized into twelve chapters. Except for the seventh chapter titled with the freighted descriptive: "Deniers, Dissenters and Skeptics", the guide is a one sided presentation that resoundingly affirms global warming and puts down anyone with a different point of view. The site is a virtual digest of the global warming industry. If you're looking for a road map to the special interest groups behind the hysteria, this is the place to go. The journalist members of this association have obviously abandoned all pretense of objectivity.

    The site is largely a compendium of links to global warming promoters. Many of the links use adjectives like prestigious, best respected, and reputation unrivaled to burnish their credibility. The so-called deniers on the other hand are described with adjectives like, highly polemical, outright false, and deceptive partisan attack dogs. The description of the Competitive Enterprise Institute is especially derisive, citing the often leveled false accusation that they the tool of Exxon Mobile. And this is journalism at its finest?

    The SEJ is supported mainly by foundation grants from many of the places that fund Bill Moyers and PBS. The remaining revenue is generated from membership dues and conference fees.

    This year's annual conference is being held in the rarefied atmosphere of Stanford University. The conference agenda and featured speakers are a virtual who's who and what's what of the self -identified progressive movement: the likes of leftist radio personality Amy Goodman and the Weather Channel's chief global warming propagandist Heidi Cullen holding down the celebrity spots. The five -day conference is really a full immersion in the latest liberal tropes. To create the illusion of prestige and open debate they booked a token Republican, shelling out whatever it took to get former Secretary of State George Schultz to participate in a panel titled, "Clean, Secure & Efficient Energy: Can We Have It All?"

    The panel description reflects the deeply ingrained bias of the SEJ and its members. "The race is on for commercialization of domestic fuels that shrink our carbon footprint..." From what I've seen this not a race for "commercialization" so much as a fight for government subsidies.

    The conference offers several recreational field trips that would set any white liberal's hearts aflutter, including a kayak outing and a tour of California's wine country. But its not all play; to assuage their liberal guilt, they're planning an excursion to the East Bay area of Oakland and Richmond they call the "Hole in the Donut: Environmental Justice in the Heart of Ecotopia" The descriptive narrative of the trip speaks volumes.

    "Amid the extraordinary wealth and environmental consciousness ringing San Francisco Bay, two communities at the center of it all wallow in poverty and pollution.

    "The East Bay cities of Richmond and Oakland are the industrial entrepôts for the economy of Northern California and beyond. Both surround the massive Port of Oakland, the nation's fourth largest, which fouls water and air with toxics and exotic creatures and is suspected of causing sharply higher rates of asthma and premature death from other diseases. We'll explore the minority-majority neighborhoods that endure the ceaseless movement of trains, trucks and ships. Then we'll tour the port complex to see how goods are moved across the seas and how port officials plan to clean up their act."

    The mere existence of the Society of Environmental Journalists shows first hand how the media world works, providing the infrastructure to journalists engaged in the practice of global warming advocacy journalism.

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    Global Warming Myth Exposed: Soot From Cooking Fires Melting Himalayan Glaciers
    By Noel Sheppard | August 3, 2007 - 14:03 ET

    Scientists at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego published a paper in the journal Nature Thursday which put a huge hole in the manmade global warming theory espoused by soon-to-be-Dr. Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

    As reported by the Associated Press (emphasis added):

    Huge haze clouds over the Indian Ocean contribute as much to atmospheric warming in Asia as greenhouse gases and play a significant role in the melting of the Himalayan glaciers, according to a study published Thursday.

    Researchers concluded that the pollution - mostly caused by the burning of wood and plant matter for cooking in India and other South Asian countries - enhanced heating of the atmosphere by around 50 percent and contributed to about half of the temperature increases blamed in recent decades for the glacial retreat.

    Obviously, this puts quite a crimp in the currently in vogue global warming myth that CO2 emissions are solely responsible for glacial melt. Furthermore,'s Steven Milloy pointed out Thursday a conceivably less intuitive chink in the armor (emphasis added):

    Global warming alarmism is rooted in the idea that ever-increasing manmade emissions of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide, cause global temperatures to warm. This idea, however, doesn't match up very well against real-world observations.

    During the 20th century, for example, while manmade carbon dioxide emissions steadily increased from about 1940 to 1975, global temperatures cooled.

    Global warming alarmists, such as the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), try to counter this observation by claiming that aerosol particles in the atmosphere - like soot and sulfates from fossil fuel combustion, and dust from volcanic eruptions - can mask the warming effect of greenhouse gases and cool the planet by reflecting solar radiation back into space.

    As such, not only are these airborne particles likely a key to glacial melt, the fact that they can warm rather than cool the atmosphere refutes the IPCC's explanation as to why global temperatures declined from 1940 to 1975 as CO2 levels rose.

    Talk about your inconvenient truths!

    Scientific American elaborated on the study's findings (emphasis added):

    The primary culprit seems to be the black carbon in soot, which soaks up any sunlight it can, thereby warming whatever it touches. And the dominant source for all this black carbon is cooking fires, [Scripps climatologist Veerabhadran] Ramanathan says. All these cooking fires are, in effect, drying the region, both by contributing to the melting of glaciers that feed Asia's major rivers as well as by decreasing the evaporation that drives rainfall. Aerosols across the board, from black carbon to sulfates, appear to be increasing across Asia as it industrializes.

    Wonderfully, the solution is likely much simpler than trying to reduce CO2 emissions, and doesn't require raising taxes or destroying economies:

    But the problem can be solved by swapping other fuels and methods for the wood in cooking fires. "The aerosol lifetime is two weeks," Ramanathan says. "If the world pays attention and puts resources to it, we will see an effect immediately. I'm talking weeks, at most a few months, not decades or centuries."

    That contrasts with solutions for CO2 emissions, which will require much longer periods to show effects. Because the brown cloud appears to be at least as important, eliminating it could buy time to implement more far-reaching solutions before catastrophic glacial melt and other climate change impacts occur, Ramanathan argues.

    And, Ramanathan is willing to put his money where his mouth is:

    Ramanathan and colleagues plan to demonstrate this on a small scale over the next few years in the Himalayas, over a 12-square-mile area in the foothills. "We want to create a black carbon hole," he says.

    So, assuming they're right, and their plan works, we might in the end find - as many scientists believe despite protestations from the global warming alarmists - that CO2 has much less to do with climate change than currently being espoused by those with a political agenda.

    Maybe more importantly, there are solutions that don't require raising taxes, destroying industries, and killing the economy.

    Think Katie, Charlie, or Brian will be reporting this tonight?

    No. I don't either.

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    fear is not a bushism, fear has been used for many governments throught history, be fair my friend.

    Quote Originally Posted by Psychoblues View Post
    Science really does fuck you up, doesn't it, rsr? Give me a little of your science about fear. I've seen it demonstrated quite clearly for about 6 years now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by actsnoblemartin View Post
    fear is not a bushism, fear has been used for many governments throught history, be fair my friend.
    Fear is what Al Gore an company use to hype global warming

    Fear is what they feel when the facts are presented that blows their hype out of the water

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

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    Palm Beach Post: Using Global Warming Activist's Press Release as News Story
    By Warner Todd Huston | August 6, 2007 - 02:39 ET
    The Palm Beach Post was caught in a bit of deception by one of its readers over the weekend. At issue was another globaloney alarmist story the paper printed on July 25th, titled "This century hotter than last, group finds," supposedly by Post writer Dara Kam. Unfortunately for the reputation of Dara Kam and that of the paper, this "article" was merely a rewording of the press release of an environmentalist group calling themselves, Environment Florida. An alert reader who wrote in calling them on it also exposed several other papers across the country that did the very same thing.

    Naturally, the article by Kam was all worried about how the summers are getting hotter and informing the reader of new globaloney legislation pending in the Florida state house in Tallahassee. It all seemed rather like our intrepid writer had done a whole bunch of research for this attempt at writing a “science” article.

    But Post reader Gary Bokelmann wondered how this “article” could be nearly a word for word rehash of a press release put out by the environmental group and still be claimed an honest news article? And not only did the Palm Beach Post merely rephrase a press release, so did several other papers, Bokelmann found.

    Said Bokelmann:

    "My curiosity was piqued when a friend pointed out a story titled, 'Nevada Summer Getting Warmer,' in The Reno Gazette Journal, which appeared on the same day, and which was surprisingly similar in its tone and content. A quick, casual search online then revealed another - this time from the Arkansas News Group, 'Study: 2006 Temperatures in Arkansas Exceeded 30-Year Norm.' Then there was another from Florida, 'Global Warming Here, Group Says,' in The Pensacola News Journal. Then the Madison, Wis., Capital Times jumped on board with 'Average Temperature Higher Here Last Year.'"

    Bokelmann wondered how all these papers could claim to be “reporting” anything when they just re-worded an activist group’s press release?

    Mr. Bokelmann noted that some of the stories "refer to a Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group called U.S. Public Interest Research Group. It is obvious that this is the group that was orchestrating the whole media blitz," he said, "apparently by helping its various state affiliates to customize press releases for their local markets and then distributing them to local reporters, who 'reported' their claims uncritically."

    The Post, he said, apparently "talked to no one at all, outside of the group releasing the 'study'." He was "struck by one question when I read this story: All of these supposedly local studies used the period 1970-2000 as their base, and declared temperatures from that period to be 'normal.' The obvious question is why those years?"

    Bokelmann had the perfect question to wrap up his observations.

    Thus to his initial question Mr. Bokelmann added: "Were the editors of The Palm Beach Post simply unaware that they were being manipulated as part of a sophisticated national media blitz by an advocacy group - or were they willing participants in the campaign? Or is there another, alternative explanation for this flurry of nearly identical 'local' stories?"

    In their answer to Mr. Bokelmann, the Post tries to squirm out of their failure to disclose the source of all the “facts” and “statistics” that appear in Kam’s story. Editor Paul Blythe tries to explain away their reasons, but one thing he never once addresses: Why is it that quotes do not appear in Kam’s story except for two paragraphs when nearly every aspect of the story is a direct reprint of the statistics in the activist’s press release?

    Blithe gives his mae culpa at the end of their reply to reader Bokelmann with a limp and unsatisfactory plea. "Could we have done a better job? Yes. Will we do the same thing the next time? No. We'll be more critical, both for this and any opposing point of view."

    Yeah, riiiiight.

    We all know how lazy most "journalists" and their newspapers are. We see their lack of research, their poor prose and their opinion pieces so thinly disguised as news stories all too often. The good thing is, we are out here now to catch and expose their slovenly work. But, as often as we have caught them at this since the inception of the Internet, it makes one wonder how often in the past this sort of thing happened? And, one can't help realizing that it must have been far, far more often than anyone ever realized.

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

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    Global warming strategy debated

    The Intelligencer

    Montgomery County officials are looking into whether a bond can be issued to pay for greenhouse gas reduction projects as part of a larger strategy to fight global warming.

    Although local governments regularly float bonds to pay for large long-term projects, it's not clear if cutting global climate change fits into a pre-existing category.

    “The county can only do what the Legislature said it can do in writing. ... We just can't willy-nilly do whatever we want,” Montgomery County Commissioners' Chairman Tom Ellis said at Thursday's meeting.

    Without a national strategy to cut greenhouses gases, state, county and local governments are going ahead with their own plans to curb climate change. Many have urged their citizens to do likewise.

    Philadelphia has already adopted a greenhouse gas reduction plan, and Bucks and Delaware counties are both looking into doing so, said Steve Nelson, the county's deputy chief operating officer.

    Global warming falls within the county's general purview of health, safety and general welfare because the potential effects include increased rainfall and flooding, as well as extremely hot days, Nelson said.

    Armed with a graduate student's thesis about changes Montgomery County can make, a task force appointed in January is expected to report back on its recommendations by the end of the year. It will set emissions targets for 2012, 2017 and 2025.

    Montgomery County's emissions history is not encouraging. From 1990 to 2004, carbon dioxide emissions in the county grew 34 percent while population only rose 14 percent, Nelson said.

    “As you can see, the trendline is not going in the direction we would want it to,” he said.

    Robert McKinstry, a Penn State professor who has helped states figure out how to curb warming, said the U.S. needs to cut emissions of greenhouse gases at least 96 percent by 2100.

    “That's a long ways off, but it's a big goal,” he said. “It's certainly achievable.”

    The best approach to solving the problem is adopting a “Chinese menu approach” of choosing 10 ways to save money and reduce greenhouse gases, he said.

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    Youi are so silly, rsr. Why are you trying so hard to be so mean?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychoblues View Post
    Youi are so silly, rsr. Why are you trying so hard to be so mean?
    If mean is pointing out the crap that is global warming - I plead guilty

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

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