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    Default Internet links to my poetry being discussed.

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    Korean War Poem

    The poem A Warriors Blood In His Old Age by Robert J. Lindley is about older veterans of the Korean war.
    It focuses on the mentality that makes them warriors, the strength that is required of such a person. How the war has affected them and how they live in old age. Life as an older veteran is tough, humbling, and can be lonely. They have endured war and many fellow veterans have passed away. Veterans live a very different life back at home. For them it can be a lonely world, without all of the adrenaline of a combat zone and not many who can relate to them. It is hard for them to find a similar sense of purpose. Lindley expresses that we do not always give them enough credit or understanding. This poem consists of five stanzas, each with four lines containing two sentences. The poet repeats the first stanza at the end of the poem. The first and last two lines of each stanza rhyme. This poem emphasizes a warrior’s spirit, as each stanza ends with an exclamation mark. Capturing the intensity of the warrior spirit. A common theme in the poem used to represent the amount of sacrifice in a warriors life is the word blood. Lindley writes about the bloodshed that soldiers undergo in combat, they sacrifice a lot for their country. Lindley seems to be sending the message that if civilians paid more attention to veterans, their lives and our lives would be better. We cannot forget that as a society we live as a whole, we affect each others lives a lot more than we think. It is important to remember the Korean war.

    Poem from:

    Korean War veteran Albert Medeiros, 83, served in both the Korean War and the Vietnam War, he now lives in the Charlestown retirement community in Catonsville. (Monica Herndon/Baltimore Sun Media Group)

    Photo from:
    The author of that analysis shown in photo, was dead on correct in his analysis.
    As that was the message I sought to convey. That we fail to give the respect and gratitude these warriors deserve and often truly need!
    My three best friends in life were all much older men, each a war veteran.
    I gathered much insight into the sacrifice and pain they endured, yet never could I relate it all, my having not felt it.
    Yet in verse, perhaps I could reveal a bit and hopefully make others aware.--Tyr

    Second link...
    Third link...


    She never was one to fight
    deep depths of rage laced with pain
    There were darkness some nights
    and red blotches that made a heavy stain

    Below was the dreaded empty pit
    lair to monsters in ravenous need
    Fear ate her heart but she would not admit
    her desire to jump on in to feed

    Black thoughts raced into her longing mind
    where strong currents were fed
    There she could walk about naked and blind
    or defeat the monsters in her head

    Night leaps forth, her hands grew razor claws
    she has raw red-meat between her hungry jaws

    Robert J. Lindley
    © 5 months ago, Robert J. Lindley


    The Woodland Goddess
    The Woodland Goddess

    Thy mystic news from out the Invisible
    Would save all men, were they but content to dwell
    In lowly station, proud to share the power
    That shapes the world in secret, hour by hour.

    Her rosy fingers touched the ancient words
    And lo! they quivered with the ecstasy
    Of crimson bloom, sun-glances, caroling birds,
    On forested green island waking into glee.

    R.J. Lindley,
    April 17th, 1973
    Long ago, I wrote with spirit, imagination and high hopes that in 40 years the world would be much, much better.
    Now reality reveals the futility of that hope.
    © 5 months ago, Robert J. Lindley
    A Poem On Quotes

    A Poem On Quotes

    A quote can inspire others to fame
    words to so fiercely spirit tame
    Compassion stabbed out with a pen
    heart cracked open , sacrifice then

    Never fear to gift hope to others
    think of love, as in our mothers
    Take bits of wisdom to freely share
    ladder be damned , take the stairs

    Record good thoughts to inspire joy
    leave those to help but not annoy
    Angels see our souls often laid bare
    they rejoice when we unselfishly share

    Think of others with poetic shared words
    Yes, fly we can, it is not just for the birds

    Robert J. Lindley 07-25-2014

    My Seven Poetry Quotes
    1.To show heart, wisdom and compassion write poetry and
    write it often!
    by Robert J. Lindley

    2. Ink the pen, share with all that will read then.
    by Robert J.Lindley

    3. If a drug you must have, choose poetry and generosity.
    by Robert J. Lindley

    4.To slay the beast deny its feast by writing
    food for thought and savor spiritual inspiration.
    by Robert J. Lindley

    5. Write to save your soul, always a worthy goal.
    by Robert J.Lindley

    6. Poetry saves lives as does frequent hand washing.
    by Robert J. Lindley

    7. Hope appeared, poetry was born!
    by Robert J. Lindley

    Over the decades on paper I very often did sign these
    quotes at the end of my writes.
    One I left off this list now was during my "bad " years
    it was,
    "Poetry is Death and Torture with a SOFT FEATHER
    and no sleep."

    © Robert Lindley 2016 . All Rights Reserved.


    A Haiku......


    fallen fruit exists
    earthen harvest and ground meet
    jars in the pantry

    Robert J. Lindley ,07-24-2014

    © Robert Lindley 2016 . All Rights Reserved.



    Home » Love Poems » Poem
    Robert Lindley Avatar
    Written by: Robert Lindley
    Read Poems by Robert Lindley
    Love, Betrayal and Dirty Dishes

    Love, Betrayal and Dirty Dishes

    I ate from your welcoming glitter plate
    touches easing my restless soul.
    Desperate, in love praying, not too late
    never saw two eyes black as coal.

    There were sweet drugs in your soft words
    and dancing steps in your walk.
    I flew with you, flew with soaring birds
    heaven closer each time we talk.

    Now, I hang my sad head in deepest shame
    as friends point out how you used.
    Seeing contempt at how you played the game
    that left me so miserable and bruised.

    Now your dirty plate sits in a closet still.
    Force myself, to lock it there against my will!

    Robert J. Lindley , 09-26 -2015

    Note- Sonnet on deep betrayal and blindness that
    love brings.
    Based on a sad reality for me many decades ago..



    Creator: A Christian Poetry Collection
    by Kim Bond (Goodreads Author)
    5.0 of 5 stars 5.00 · rating details · 1 rating · 0 reviews
    Creator: A Christian Poetry Collection includes over 20 incredible poems by poets Jan Allison, Jeanne Beaumont, Faye Gibson, Jay Harding, Judy K. Haught, Joyce Johnson, Richard Lamoureux, Robert Lindley, Antony Mark, Stephan Mcbride, Liam Mcdaid, Brenda Meier-Hans, Casarah Nance, Kimmy Nelson, Regina Riddle, Isaac Thomas, Leon Wilson, Dave Wood, and more! Draw nearer to ou ...more

    Published March 24th 2015 by Smashwords Edition
    more details...edit details

    Creator: A Christian Poetry Collection
    by Kim Bond (Goodreads Author)
    Total of 30 poems by a total of 15 poets
    0f that total of 30 , twelve poems (one-third presented) are mine.
    I had nothing to do with the choosing and listing
    the majority being mine.
    Here are the poems I authored.
    In order as they are presented at the linked site...-Tyr

    1. God Sends Promises and Love
    2. We Loved Her In Vain
    3. Soul Seeks Its Maker
    4. The Curves Of Those Sensual Lips
    5. As Midnight Moon Shines Upon Her Eyes
    6. The Morning Sun Speaks
    7. Ten Years Today, Our Love
    8. Longing For You
    9. Falling Into Her Vision From The Start
    10. The Priest with Spirited Eyes
    11. As We Cry In The Darkness
    12. The Rare Moment

    The Birds, They Were So Silent
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 11-24-2016 at 10:58 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Thank you!
    Looking at them I see them at their 20s and it makes me melancholy...
    Indifferent alike to praise or blame
    Give heed, O Muse, but to the voice Divine
    Fearing not injury, nor seeking fame,
    Nor casting pearls to swine.

  4. Thanks Tyr-Ziu Saxnot thanked this post

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