OK, I felt guilty for trying to slide in an old poem instead of composing a new poem for this thread.
I hate that feeling, so got off my lazy ass and banged this sonnet out.
Hope you may like it, as its a bit of self-deprecation, admitting my wild youth and acknowledging
that if wisdom comes with age, then we must see our youthful follies and have some regrets( and if life was lived wildly-some deep regrets!)- .

Now I Am Tired And Ancient In My Ways

In youth, singing out of tune in the shower
caring not for adult rules or silly hour.
Walking long limbs until they began to crack
always stealing new toys from a guarded sack.

Alas! I once reverenced not old tales
weighing life only with my new, faulty scales.
Yet in that error, came lessons well learned
on life and love that was so cruelly spurned.

Along that errant path, life soon ran aground
my old phonograph playing its dead-tired sound.
With that wizened knowledge came call to reboot
thus my life tree sought to seek much deeper root.

Now I am tired and ancient in my ways
regret youth's folly, wanting my younger days.

Robert J. Lindley, 11-30-2016

Sonnet form, Lin 11/11

Syllables Per Line: 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11
Total # Syllables: 154
Total # Words: 114