For the record.
The more days that go by the dimmer the few items of good that i hoped for from Trump are looking compared to my worse fears about how he'll increase a dark authoritarian gov't, increase gov't size and walk away from freedoms and the constitution in the name of faux safety.

while many of you are very happy far... if you ever had any seriousness about "the founding fathers" and the constitution i suspect that you'll have buyer's remorse by the time its over.

But i fear that as long as your personal interest are served that many won't have a problem with anything Trump and his motley crew do.

seems to me that America the "land of the free" is bout dead and few on the right or left really care.

So yeah, Prediction.
Trump's presidency will make the gov't a far more tyrannical surveillance state... more people jailed for political and religious reason, speech muzzled and shut down by various means, more surveillance on everyone innocent and guilty, the same level of "transparency" we got from Obama but the right will be ok with it a since Trump is doing it all "for our safety".