Quote Originally Posted by Balu View Post
Can anybody from dems/libs explain me WHY you treat your loss in the latest election as a TRAGEDY after you have governed for 8 years before?
I think it is natural and democratic to change the governing paries from time to time.

Balu. The Dems here in America, and Hillary Clinton were so uninformed, and certain that SHE was going to win...Clinton didn't even have a concession speech to read in case she lost. Which explained why nobody heard from her until the next day.
The Democrats, Clinton's, and DNC had all planned on a huge celebration following the announcement that HILLARY WON. They even planned a Giant FIREWORKS display (which they canceled) in New York City, with all of the BOOZE flowing, confetti being thrown, and BILL CLINTON rehearsed his CRYING ON DEMAND with a smile.

Now, sadly for all of the WHINERS IN BLUE, with 'D's after their name.
The world is coming to an end because they claim...IN HOLLYWOOD, they would be leaving if TRUMP Won. BUT the LIARS ARE STILL HERE!