Below is the poem of the day entitled Bit Of Truth And Wisdom, Found In Old Age which was written by poet Robert Lindley.
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Bit Of Truth And Wisdom, Found In Old Age
Bit Of Truth And Wisdom, Found In Old Age
At that age wisdom says life is a joke
consider blindness of other poor folk.
Stop to ponder why on earth we exist
you may just find giving on that big list.
To live well, love hard and thus procreate
easy to see easier to relate.
Living life together with your soulmate
should be a part of everybody's Fate!
Finding life is not about what you got
should be holding solid, number one spot
Tis more about life lived well and deeper
with one you found, knew to be a keeper
If long life, happiness is your great aim
if reaching not for it, you are to blame!
Robert J. Lindley, 1-16-2017
Robert Lindley
Thank you, one and all for the very kind words and encouragements. A happy surprise for me to find this very recently presented poem as POTD.
Comments for poem: Bit Of Truth And Wisdom, Found In Old Age
Commented on 1/20/2017 2:42:00 AM by Connie Marcum Wong
"It is all about family Robert I agree. A lovely poem! Congratulations on POTD! 7 ; )"
Commented on 1/18/2017 8:31:00 PM by Marilyn Williams
"I truly love this poem. Congrats on POTD!"
Commented on 1/18/2017 8:25:00 PM by john fleming
"An excellent creed to espouse, Robert. Congratulations on your POTD...Very well done! All my very best!

Commented on 1/18/2017 4:20:00 PM by Wendy Rycroft
"True words and a good poem x"
Commented on 1/18/2017 1:34:00 PM by Karen Edwards-Gregory
"This is really a POD. Simple but profound."
Commented on 1/18/2017 12:50:00 PM by Stephanie Yarbrough Quinn
"Love that"
Commented on 1/18/2017 12:29:00 PM by The Seeker
"Aww... wishing the other would have been selected but it's all good, robert. Nice to see you here"
Commented on 1/18/2017 12:23:00 PM by Chris Green
"Such a wonderful poetic message and a perfect choice for POTD. So true, the one you love is the most important in life, every thing else is just things."
Commented on 1/18/2017 12:09:00 PM by Robert Lindley
"Thank you, one and all for the very kind words and encouragements. A happy surprise for me to find this very recently presented poem as POTD."
Commented on 1/18/2017 10:55:00 AM by Freddie Robinson Jr.
"Great poem of truth and wisdom, Robert. Kudos and congrats to you for POTD. Well earned w/this must-read poem. A golden nugget of verity wrapped in silver-laced words. A classic for sure. Love and peace to you."
Commented on 1/18/2017 10:26:00 AM by Cindi Rockwell
"Too bad nobody wants advice from us old folk! Cute poem! Congrats on POTD! ~Cindi~"
Commented on 1/18/2017 10:10:00 AM by Carrie Richards
"A big hooray for your wonderful poem of the day, Robert !!

Commented on 1/18/2017 8:01:00 AM by Sunshine Smile
"- Congratulations on your great poem o.t.d., Robert - hugs // Anne-Lise

Commented on 1/18/2017 6:38:00 AM by Charlie Smith
"If you are not prospering in old age from life's lessons your reading from the wrong book. Congratulations Robert for deserving POTD honors..."
Commented on 1/17/2017 9:27:00 AM by Judy Ball
"Yes indeed Robert. God gives to us so we can give to others. Love this. God Bless, JB"
Commented on 1/17/2017 7:02:00 AM by Elaine George
"Words of wisdom in this powerful sonnet, Robert; as spoken by one who has lived the sonnet. This goes to my favorite list. Elaine"
Commented on 1/16/2017 2:12:00 PM by Maurice Yvonne
"Love, love, love, love this important sonnet. A Fav."