Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
I'm not concerned with whether or not we are capable of doing it. That's easy.

But you know the left, soundboarded by the leftwingnut MSM and all their disloyal followers on faceplantbook are gong to go high and to the right. How the right/GOP reacts to their childishness is going to matter.

Gunny. Trump should make a speech, inviting every AMERICAN who hates him, to send their names to the IRS, and the PENTAGON.

The President can also announce that those AMERICAN HATERS can also REFUSE to receive any protection from U.S. Police Forces, or the Military by sending their addresses to the ISIS headquarters...wherever that is? Telling ISIS they hate their president, more than they fear being BEHEADED, HUNG, TORTURED, or forced to Listen to NANCY PELOSI, or MAXINE WATERS showing their fans THE FINGER, while YELLING..."F TRUMP".