and more!!

I woke at 2:30 and couldn't fall asleep, so been messing on the computer since. Here's a variety from my being bored.

These are supposed to be pranks... they are just animated gifs...

I love this one!!

Now the next series, these are just some dummies who got arrested, and doing so while looking their finest with some sweet haircuts!!

A few rather strange set of directions...

The rest are just some "thought provoking" pictures I found. I'm giving my opinion of what I think they mean, if you disagree, say what you think! I can't imagine any thought is wrong.

MY opinion - cracking the light and indoctrinating them, then graduating them and sending them out to the world.

Smoking is lighting a bomb on yourself

Money will hold you prisoner?

Putting on fake faces? Lying about who we are? Unsure with this one.

Homeless person with no where to go

Brain overload, anxiety?

Wasting away the years

Blind to love, opening your heart - and then maybe having it ripped out?

Glass half full is happy, glass half empty is sad

Fishing is music to his ears?


Level headed from the military?