Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
In process , composing for new poetry contest. Have to stop, have visitors coming over..--Tyr

An Indian Warrior's Greatest Test

Having ventured, where every shadow had a name
Bearclaw watched for higher spirits and Nature's clues
Should he fail and perish, only he was to blame
For he and none other had dared to walk in his shoes

In awe of this rugged and completely unknown land
He thanked his guiding spirit for such an honored gifts
A new knife, showing emblems of his tribal band
A necklace allowing he to very quickly shape-shift

He asked the dancing winds to thank the shining sky
He begged mother earth to bless this dangerous task
He had no fear, he knew only great turtle did not die
And for strength and more courage he dare not ask

He found the black lake where the beast lay deep
Waited for night's darkness and its time to rise
Time had come, for those killed he did not weep
Hiding in silence, he wanted complete surprise

As the bright moon raced behind brother cloud
He knew the dark would bring the beast up soon
Heart beating fast, he asked only to be allowed
to kill before the clouds cleared the hiding moon
Found another poem -not finished and never entered into that contest.
And I see by the posting date of the write, that I was having memory loss issues even back then.--Tyr