I wonder why this isn't on the nightly news, every night, and why not front and center on all the MSM sites and print media? If it's even just "possible" that it's the largest breach in congressional history - one would think it would be everywhere. And it's not because of other things, or because Trump is taking up the news. It's purely political.


The Ever-Burgeoning House Democrat IT Scandal

We're not in John Walker territory yet, but the scandal engulfing up to 30 Democratic members of Congress who employed IT "expert" Imran Awan and four members of his family may turn out to be the worst breach of sensitive information in the history of the US Congress.

The New York Post is reporting that the scandal may involve the sale of sensitive information on congressmen as well as classified data to the Russians or others. The potential for blackmail is real, say authorities.

What started out 16 months ago as a scandal involving the alleged theft of computer equipment from Congress has turned into a national-security investigation involving FBI surveillance of the suspects.
Investigators now suspect that sensitive US government data — possibly including classified information — could have been compromised and may have been sold to hostile foreign governments that could use it to blackmail members of Congress or even put their lives at risk.

“This is a massive, massive scandal,” a senior US official familiar with the widening probe told The Post.

Alarm bells went off in April 2016 when computer security officials in the House reported “irregularities” in computer equipment purchasing. An internal investigation revealed the theft of hundreds of thousands of dollars in government property, and evidence pointed to five IT staffers and the Democratic Congress members’ offices that employed them.

Awan and his family have been indicted on fraud charges, but that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to his potential crimes. The prosecutor has charged Awan with the lesser crimes so that he can put the screws to him to divulge any espionage activity.

Rest here - https://pjmedia.com/trending/2017/08...ocrat-scandal/