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    Default Hey FATboy, You Want To Run Your Mouth At Me Now?

    This is where to do it.

    Go ahead... talk all the shit you got all pent up inside you. Lie your twisted little can off, play the victim, put words in my mouth, be a drama queen... take your best shot. I've seen little pricks like you come and go on message boards by the thousands.

    Far as I can tell you got your hard on for me because I don't like muslims. That's near as I can figure, and two, you don't like it when someone exposes your little games and doesn't back down. All I can say is, people will see through this sooner or later. You don't show your true self in one thread and then be little mister, syrupy, sugary, sweet little pure as the driven snow mister innocent everywhere else. Either you always a good guy, or you're not. People can spot act sooner or later. People like you can't hide behind you cutesie tootsie act forever.

    But this is the deal... if you don't want me to respond to your snide little comments, then don't make them, it's as simple as that. Will I respond to you in threads? Obviously yes I will, but if you haven't made any nasty little insults, then neither will I. I'll respond about the thread content only.

    Now if you can do that, we'll have peace. You run your mouth, then we're going to have at it again, pure and simple. You take nasty little pot shots at me, you will get a response in kind, and no amount of you pretending you didn't start it will change anything. People can read, people can see who started it, just keep that in mind next time you want to type out your crap AT someone.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 08-28-2017 at 08:42 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    This is where to do it.

    Go ahead... talk all the shit you got all pent up inside you. Lie your twisted little can off, play the victim, put words in my mouth, be a drama queen... take your best shot. I've seen little pricks like you come and go on message boards by the thousands.

    Far as I can you got your hard on for me because I don't like muslims. That's near as I can figure, and two, you don't like it when someone exposes your little games and doesn't back down. All I can say is, people will see through this sooner or later. You don't show your true self in one thread and then be little mister, syrupy, sugary, sweet little pure as the driven snow mister innocent everywhere else. Either you always a good guy, or you're not. People can spot act sooner or later. People like you can't hide behind you cutesie tootsie act forever.

    But this is the deal... if you don't want me to respond to your snide little comments, then don't make them, it's as simple as that. Will I respond to you in threads? Obviously yes I will, but if you haven't made any nasty little insults, then neither will I. I'll respond about the thread content only.

    Now if you can do that, we'll have peace. You run your mouth, then we're going to have at it again, pure and simple. You take nasty little pot shots at me, you will get a response in kind, and no amount of you pretending you didn't start it will change anything. People can read, people can see who started it, just keep that in mind next time you want to type out your crap AT someone.
    I have no problem with this but I do have to go do something right now, I'll be back in about an hour.

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    Geezus Christ. We can all grow up and move on regardless who likes us or doesnt like us - this is not unlike somebody getting offended and demanding justice by removing a fucking statue.

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    Would just like to "clear the air" in the appropriate place. Is that wrong?

    I don't want him trolling me around the board anymore than he wants me doing that to him.

    I'm going to respond to his comments and threads, and I'm going to disagree with him. All I want is an understanding that if you're going to make it personal or start in with the insults, then don't act all indignant and surprised when you get it thrown back at you, that's all. Seems as either is a new concept to fats, or he thinks he's the only one that gets to dish it out.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 08-28-2017 at 08:48 AM.

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    I took longer than one hour, oh well sometimes real life happens. Guess where we went for lunch. Dearborn! And no one told me I couldn't go anywhere...but, but, but, you have videos...oh my God, I guess I didn't just see what I saw.

    Now, You seem to think that because I somtimes don't spend my life online answering you that I'm running away, as you put it. That's not true, sometimes I see no reason to. You shoudn't confuse tolerance with weakness.

    I don't read what others post? Yes I do. The problem is you people don't acknowledge what I post. Dearborn isn't muslim, how many times do I have to say that? It doesn't matter, you're convinced it is and nothing short of capitulation will appease you.

    I insult you and I'm weird? I am weird, I actually have the balls to stand up to you, that's what you mean by weird. I have no respect for you, I have even less respect for the pussies who have tolerated you.

    I said a few days ago that you act like a little bitch, and you do. It's no wonder to me you throw the word snowflake around as much as you do, if anyone would know a snowflake it's you. Someone says something you don't like, you get aggressive immediately and try to shout them down and bring other people into the fight you started. That's you, and that's also a snowflake.

    This is the big mistake you made, you questioned my service. I disagree with you and I'm all of a sudden a panty wearing snowflake who is unAmerican? You don't speak for veterans and you should stop trying to. I don't need support, I can defend my position by myself but you do need support, you are a huge pussy. The first time you insulted me was the thread about not standing for the national anthem. I disagreed with you and I was what? How did you put it? We both know what you said. You don't speak for me shitbird nor do you speak for anyone else, veteran or not, so shut your cockhole. Calling names, insults, following people around the board that you don't like, yes, that's your style, and you're a shitbird.

    One more thing. Stand for yourself you little pussy. If you have an opinion and want to defend it then do it but don't call on others to come help you...unless you're a weak little asswipe. Jim doesn't matter, if I have a problem with you then you should answer me, not Jim. Gunny didn't say what you said, why ask him to come back you up? You can't speak for yourself? I already knew that, you can't.

    You are the worst person I've run into. You are a fucking bigot. Then after you say bigoted shit you wrap it in the American flag and then if anyone at all says anything about you, you call them did it to me. You're the classic example of the scoundrel.

    And one more thing, if your service outranks a civilian in your mind then do my deployments outrank your service? Whatever, doesn't matter, just fuck off you bigoted prick.

    I've said all I have to say to you. No more, anywhere.

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    Quote Originally Posted by michiganFats View Post
    Now, You seem to think that because I somtimes don't spend my life online answering you that I'm running away, as you put it.
    There you go again, but thank you for just another example saying I said something when I didn't, even saying "as I put it." I never said that, so there's not even any reason to request you show me where I did. You're a liar.

    Quote Originally Posted by michiganFats View Post
    I don't read what others post? Yes I do. The problem is you people don't acknowledge what I post. Dearborn isn't muslim, how many times do I have to say that? It doesn't matter, you're convinced it is and nothing short of capitulation will appease you.
    Your denials of the facts is mind numbing, and you are an obvious muslim lover and supporter. I believe at this point you lie straight through your teeth even though you know you're lying...

    from Wikipedia:

    • Dearborn is the 8th largest city in Michigan, part of the Detroit metropolitan area.
    • Total population in 2010 was 998,153.
    • The largest ethnic group — 41.7% of the city’s total population — are of Middle Eastern ancestry (Lebanese, Yemeni, Iraqi, Syrian and Palestinian).
    • Dearborn has the largest proportion of Arab-Americans in the U.S. In 2000, 29.3% of Dearborn residents spoke Arabic.
    • The largest mosque in North America, the Islamic Center of America, is in Dearborn.

    Quote Originally Posted by michiganFats View Post
    insult you and I'm weird? I am weird, I actually have the balls to stand up to you, that's what you mean by weird. I have no respect for you, I have even less respect for the pussies who have tolerated you.
    You're the ONLY one that's started shit with me here... the ONLY one. Again, you're talking like a fool with your rabid exaggerations.

    Quote Originally Posted by michiganFats View Post
    I said a few days ago that you act like a little bitch, and you do. It's no wonder to me you throw the word snowflake around as much as you do, if anyone would know a snowflake it's you. Someone says something you don't like, you get aggressive immediately and try to shout them down and bring other people into the fight you started. That's you, and that's also a snowflake.
    Out of the hundreds of posts I've made here now, I've said the word "snowflake" maybe half a dozen times. AGAIN, you're exaggerating like a little school girl.

    Quote Originally Posted by michiganFats View Post
    This is the big mistake you made, you questioned my service. I disagree with you and I'm all of a sudden a panty wearing snowflake who is unAmerican? You don't speak for veterans and you should stop trying to. I don't need support, I can defend my position by myself but you do need support, you are a huge pussy. The first time you insulted me was the thread about not standing for the national anthem. I disagreed with you and I was what? How did you put it? We both know what you said. You don't speak for me shitbird nor do you speak for anyone else, veteran or not, so shut your cockhole. Calling names, insults, following people around the board that you don't like, yes, that's your style, and you're a shitbird.
    Now we're getting somewhere. You got your panties in a bunch because I supposedly questioned your service? So instead of standing up for yourself then and there and getting it over with, you let that minor comment fester in that little pea brain of your's until I posted something you didn't like about your pet muslims, then you let fly and swore at me three times and called me stupid before I fired back. Then you pulled every trick you knew out of that little play book of your's and tried to play poor little mister innocent to ignoring what others said to putting words in their mouth to making wild exaggerations, which you're still doing here.

    Quote Originally Posted by michiganFats View Post
    One more thing. Stand for yourself you little pussy. If you have an opinion and want to defend it then do it but don't call on others to come help you...unless you're a weak little asswipe. Jim doesn't matter, if I have a problem with you then you should answer me, not Jim. Gunny didn't say what you said, why ask him to come back you up? You can't speak for yourself? I already knew that, you can't.
    Again, THIRD TIME in this thread, THANK YOU for the examples, but I didn't ASK GUNNY to come back me up. In fact, I can't wait until he reads that. I'm really getting to the point where I think you're delusional.

    Quote Originally Posted by michiganFats View Post
    You are the worst person I've run into. You are a fucking bigot. Then after you say bigoted shit you wrap it in the American flag and then if anyone at all says anything about you, you call them did it to me. You're the classic example of the scoundrel.
    I'm a bigot because I don't like your pet muslims, I get it. I also get your rotten comment about wrapping something in the American flag as you don't care for the American flag. You don't like patriotism. You don't like people that portray patriotism or defend it. We're bigots because we're white Americans and we should just STFU, aye asshole? Am I hitting it pretty close yet? I think I am. I think it's getting real clear after your pathetic rant that one, you are a MUSLIM LOVER and will DEFEND them TOOTH AND NAIL, even LIE for them, especially against some WHITE BOY that thinks he's PATRIOTIC and WRAPS HIMSELF IN THE AMERICAN FLAG... ya... FUCK HIM... HE'S A BIGOT. Well whether you're smart enough to know it or not, which I don't believe you are, you just insulted a lot of people, here, everywhere, anybody that's an American and loves our flag, that you don't think anybody should have to respect, just sit or kneel for the anthem, right? Ya, I've got your number now. You have vomited up just enough of your true self to give yourself away.

    Quote Originally Posted by michiganFats View Post
    And one more thing, if your service outranks a civilian in your mind then do my deployments outrank your service? Whatever, doesn't matter, just fuck off you bigoted prick.
    I have no idea what the fuck your warped little mind was even getting at here... you're just fucking strange...

    Quote Originally Posted by michiganFats View Post
    I've said all I have to say to you. No more, anywhere.
    That would be a pleasure, now put me on ignore, weirdo.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 08-28-2017 at 01:22 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by michiganFats View Post
    I insult you and I'm weird? I am weird, I actually have the balls to stand up to you, that's what you mean by weird. I have no respect for you, I have even less respect for the pussies who have tolerated you.
    I try to be cool with EVERYONE, for as long as I can anyway, and try to be respectful at all times, until the times where I "reply in kind" as some will NEVER let go (liberals usually).

    I give respect and tolerance right off the bat, until someone comes directly at myself and gives me a reason not to. But I certainly don't think other folks should look down upon me, or have no respect for me, just because I respect and try to have more tolerance towards others, when I can. I'd sure hate to think that folks out there truly think I'm a pussy just because I try to take the higher road at times, or am not involved in the same fights as them with the same people.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by michiganFats View Post
    I have no respect for you, I have even less respect for the pussies who have tolerated you.
    So this nut case isn't happy with just having a hard on for me, now it's expanded to anyone who apparently talks with me, you're all PUSSIES as well.

    Keep showing those true colors, fatman, keep digging that hole.

    I rest my case.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 08-28-2017 at 03:30 PM.

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