Reaction: OMG we had a baby!

After processing, I was able to think about what I saw, felt and experienced - and found the words to detail the experience. "OMG we had a baby" became:

We arrived at the hospital within 8 minutes from her water breaking.

My wife grew up the son of an engineer. John, her father, is the epitome of punctual, correct-answers-only, there MUST be a solution, nothing is random or unknowable. 26 June was the due-date for my and my wife's first child and I smirked to realize my soon-to-be-born daughter was very much her mother's - and by extension her grandfather's - daughter.

Four hours later my wife was dilated to 5cm and the Doctor was satisfied with her progress towards birth. My wife's doctor had a colleague with her watching the show. That doctor turned to me and said "It should be another 5 hours or so, if you want to catch a nap"

"Doctor" I cautioned him "My wife's family. All her sisters so far have given birth REALLY fast. I mean it's so fast the sisters' doctors mentioned to my wife - as she was present in some of the births - to be sure and tell her doctor about the phenomenon."

'Well, I am a doctor and I am telling you it will be about five hours. I've seen it hundreds of times and that's how fast these things happen."

Mary had her epidural done and things had calmed down a little bit.

Forty minutes later my wife woke me as I snoozed in the chair beside her bed.


I stumble awake

"Honey" Mary asks "Will you get the nurse for me? I have this weird pressure."

The nurse came in smiling "Okay, lets have a look"

The next 30 seconds are a blur. I remember the nurse examining my wife and gasping. The nurse ran to the door and yelled for somebody to get somebody else. A few seconds later in a flurry of scrubs, papers, towels, gloves my wife's primary doctor rushed in and took a look, followed closely by her 'experienced' associate - Dr. 5-More-Hours.

"Dad, grab a leg!" She instructed me.

Now, not unlike how the baby was put IN there, I stood there with Mary's right leg over my shoulder - the first nurse had her other leg and the doctor - in what resembled a plastic welding mask - stood ready to catch.