OK... I guess then they've decided that it's more important to spit on the flag and national anthem than it is to continue the NFL as a profitable organization, because the people tuning them out and not going to games will just keep going up.

I for one am done. I won't tune in another game, period. I don't care if they all stand and show the proper respect, the damage is done and now I know what kind of a bunch of political leftist trash the NFL is, so they'll never see another minute or dime of my patronage.


The N.F.L. for now will continue to let players kneel or sit during the national anthem without a penalty, capitulating to demands by the athletes for free expression but potentially further alienating fans who object to the protests and feel they are disrespectful to the flag and the military.
But, after a meeting Tuesday with union representatives and players, the league did promise to help support some of the causes targeted by the protesting players, including reform of the criminal justice system.

So now the FNL isn't about FOOTBALL anymore, it's a LEFTIST OUTREACH CENTER.