Your complaints are Not Constitutional, Rev. Your complaints are based on YOUR INTERPRETATION of the Constitution; which, usually leaves quite a bit to be desired.

And before you try the same tactic on me you used on jimbob, I'm on the bad guy, I dare say things bad about Trump list WAY ahead of YOU. You indeed DO sound like someone trying to find fault no matter what with Trump. Your response goes outside the parameters of the OP. What Putin said is essentially correct. The reasons you believe Trump failed are just that, but a different subject.

The fact is, Congress, McLame especially, has not done its job. You can't lay THAT one on Trump. If Trump did all the paperwork to initiate the process as required by the Constitution, he isn't the one who fell flat. If just started out issuing EOs and end-running Congress you'd be bitching up a storm about THAT.SO what exactly can he do that will be right in your eyes?