Quote Originally Posted by The Sage of Main Street View Post
That's what you've been trained to say. But people have been told to say the same thing for decades. Anyone with a true education would realize that such an attitude hasn't produced results and therefore has failed and must be changed. Focus on the classroom, not the home. For example, the way the students are expected to be motivated is unnatural and has failed as much as the blame-parents mantra.
That's insane. EVERY person I know, who's parents pushed them in the education department, forced them to study & got highly involved in pushing the educations at home - all those kids excelled and went on to college. I can't say all in the other direction, but I know quite a few in broken homes with no concentration on education, and some with parents who just didn't care, and those kids didn't nearly excel as much. Fact is, if you learn you excel. And whether that be harder work at school, or harder work at home, any of it will benefit towards one furthering their education and doing something more with their lives than struggling week to week to make ends meet with low paying wages.

Anyone with a true education will tell you they got their degrees and learning via hard work and effort, both at home and at educational institutions.