Back to the topic at hand, here is a perfect example of the liberal bias in the media. The media that needs fairness

AP Celebrates: Democrats 'Cleared Away The Financial Mess' of GOP
Posted by Tim Graham on February 1, 2007 - 05:51.
Jonah Goldberg at The Corner noticed the Associated Press covered the budget process with more attitude than objectivity with this introduction from reporter Andrew Taylor:

"The House passed a $463.5 billion spending bill Wednesday that covers about one-sixth of the federal budget as Democrats cleared away the financial mess they inherited from Republicans."

Cleared away the financial mess, all in one spending bill? That's not just editorializing, it's bald-faced partisan rhetoric, not fact. Just paragraphs later, Taylor suggests the Democrats are still a lot like Republicans:

"Despite GOP complaints about how the bill came together, it generally is a Republican-leaning measure that keeps to the same overall cap that Bush and congressional Republicans insisted on last year — before Democrats won control of Capitol Hill in the November elections."

"Spending levels for most agencies and programs are the same as in last year's budget."