That's the word and stories and articles going around. But no one bothers to truly look it up, they just listen to the MSM.

18 mass school shootings this year. Then it was just 18 shootings in school this year. What it SHOULD be rightfully is - mentally unstable or criminals, chose to use guns as their tool to kill people. Of course he could have used a huge truck and ran down a massive crowd like we have seen elsewhere and killed as many. Or someone could have used explosives and perhaps kill even more, like "Andrew Kehoe" did back in the 20's when he killed 38 school kids and 6 adults. Scumbag criminals will find a way.

Anyway, back to these "mass shootings". Or even "school shootings". Does anyone even research anymore, or do they just parrot bogus facts? A 31 year old killing himself on school property when no one is around - NOT a mass or even a school shooting. Accidentally firing a gun, at a TARGET no less, when an adviser/officer accidentally got his training gun and regular gun mixed up. NOT a mass shooting or even a school shooting. A 3rd grade student pulling a trigger of a school liaison officer’s holstered gun, who was not paying attention. No one was killed or injured. NOT a mass shooting or school shooting that folks are being misled about.

I'm not going to get into the whole gun/tool debate, said my part, but I think folks should continue to research such things, instead of regurgitating what the mass media falsely spews on us.