Seriously. They want to legislate everyone to death and disenfranchise of their Rights anyone who disagrees? I think it's about time we start legislating THEM.

If it's stupid, they are not allowed to say it and the Leftist media is not allowed to disseminate it. Not like we're missing any actual news. If it's a lie or hypocritical, same. If they're elected officials and go off the rails? Fired. Obstrucrt Congress just to be obstructing Congress when they were all for the exact same thing last year when it was a Dem idea? Fired. No more Waters' and Schiff's or Feinstein's or Schumer's or Pelosi's. And if they are guilty of committing crimes, they are charged and go to jail just like the rest of us.

Big, bad, brave lefties ... marching on Tallahassee to run their mouths. THAT'll stop a school shooter . They want the guns controlled but can't control themselves. Sounds like we need stricter laws to control them for them. In their best interest of course. And the good of everyone else's sanity.