Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
I listen to Rush almost every day. I listened a little today and caught about the last 30 minutes of his show. I didn't hear this, but he's right. How can society be so... "oh she's just a little girl" or "oh they're just a child" when they're being taught SEX, and doing things like an ADULT, they're on the internet and know ALL about the "bird and the bees," they're SEXTING each other, and being taught in GRADE SCHOOL how to PUT A CONDOM ON A BANANA and such... it's like... well let's go ahead and turn little girls into highly sexualized little TARTS and teach them ALL ABOUT SEX, but DON'T TOUCH THEM... don't even LOOK at them... even though they're PUTTING ON A SHOW that's HIGHLY sexualized... TWERKING dancing like this one... maaaaan... what a screwed up world. If these these KIDS are SO INNOCENT, then by God, KEEP THEM THAT WAY... don't TEACH them all this SEX STUFF...
Yup ^^^

.....Its really `not` the whole Nation...>>what it is ...Liberalism is attacking America...Through our schools (Indoctrination)....social media....etc....and deceitful Leftist (Liberal) Lying media....

**WERE IN A WAR!....It started a while back...but really accelerated in the "yes we can" Obama years...8 stinkin long years... It... ( the liberal cancer)...doesn't just go away over night...it took awhile to get a foothold...and it will take time to clean up...

A good start will be in our schools and universities...then move up to social media....and lastly the FAKE News media...

....Laws will have to be made (changed) to make it happen....and thats the trick or what ever one wants to call it...Leftist (Liberals) have been changing our laws for awhile now....*AMERICANS (In office now)....can do the same...

Nothing hard about it...*sane people will know and understand the difference between right and wrong....and make the changes where and when needed...Rotten apple teachers need to be pulled out of "American"...classrooms....Communist broadcasting needs to be shut down....**

(again..sane people know the difference between right and wrong....Truth and lies)

Finishing up (In closing)....There needs to be special "Departments" In gov to take care of business for the AMERICAN people Key here >> while still in power...before its too late.

1) California needs to be shut down...crazed leftist running the place need to be found and arrested.

2) Dept of education (finding and pulling out bad leftist (anti-American teachers) bad apples

3) Dept of social media....(you know the rest and what needs to be done...

4) Dept for communist agenda driven "Fake" News....find...arrest and dismantle...

*All this ....`might not` seem realistic to many folks....But think about it. It must be done....its either do or die......Trump needs a second term...and only Trump can get it started and going....No one else has the guts or stomach for it...they would rather lay down and give up the country.