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    Default Politics as a Weapon in the Cause of Islam

    April 27, 2018
    Politics as a Weapon in the Cause of Islam
    By Janet Levy
    In 2007, in a highly controversial move, Keith Hakim Ellison, the first Muslim congressman, swore his oath of office on a copy of the Koran. In effect, Ellison rejected the values that unify Americans and instead pledged to follow a religious text that commands Muslims to wage war against secular legal systems.

    Today, swearing the oath of office on the Koran and even simultaneously praising Allah have become almost commonplace. In 2016, Minneapolis Park Board member and Somalian refugee, A.K. Hassan took his oath on a massively oversized Koran and proclaimed his commitment to serve "in the name of Allah." In 2015, another Somali refugee, Ilhan Omar, elected to the Minnesota House of Representative, swore on the Koran, as did Carolyn Walker-Diallo, the first Muslim woman judge elected to Brooklyn's 7th Municipal District, and Abdullah Hammoud, a Michigan state representative.

    In "Muslim Brotherhood Political Infiltration on Steroids," I described how as early as 1987, FBI information revealed that the Muslim Brotherhood – a Middle East political organization considered a terrorist organization by five Arab countries and Russia – was seeking to "peacefully get inside the United States Government" and accomplish "the ultimate goal of overthrowing all non-Islamic governments." Several M.B. front groups, including Project Mobilize; the United States Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO); and Jetpac, Inc., had been created to politically exploit America's Muslim community to achieve supremacist goals set forth in the Muslim Brotherhood's strategic plan, the Explanatory Memorandum.

    As if taking a cue from the memorandum, the executive director of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Nihad Awad, spoke in January 2016, at the 14th annual Muslim American Society-Islamic Circle of North America (MAS-ICNA) conference in Chicago. He urged Muslims to "[t]urn your centers, Islamic centers, mosques into registration centers for voters, into polling stations during election time."

    Awad intoned that American Muslims can determine "not only the future of you here but the future of America itself." In 2014, the United Arab Emirates identified CAIR and MAS as terrorist organizations. CAIR, referred to as "Hamas doing business as CAIR" by former FBI supervisor and M.B. expert John Guandolo, had been previously identified as an unindicted co-conspirator in the HLF-Hamas funding trial. ICNA was listed in the Explanatory Memorandum as one of the Muslim Brotherhood's likeminded "organization of our friends" with the shared goal of destroying America and transforming it into a Muslim nation.

    In Canada and Europe and to a more limited degree in the U.S., once devout Muslims are installed in political office, they push for anti-hate speech and anti-Islamopobia laws and even prohibitions against verbatim citing of Islamic texts. In addition, since sharia-adherent Muslims are commanded to reject man-made law such as the U.S. Constitution, they must endeavor to replace secular law with Islamic doctrine under a caliphate or Islamic government.

    Muslims in office also take positions against U.S. interests. For example, Ellison represents "Little Mogadishu," a neighborhood in Minneapolis with one of the highest concentrations of Somali Muslim refugees. In 2015, despite active recruiting in his district by the East African terrorist group Al-Shabaab, and the arrest of several Somalis for attempted travel to Syria to join ISIS, Ellison ignored terrorist financing concerns and opposed efforts to curb cash transfers to Somalia.

    Meanwhile, new Muslim candidates of questionable motivation and affiliation continue to run for office. Since my previous article, two are in upcoming races, and one, who was momentarily unsuccessful, is likely to run again.

    In Florida's Broward County, Altaf Ahmed is running for county commissioner in an election to be held later this year. In 2016, he tweeted his attendance at CAIR Florida's 16th annual gala and included a photo of himself with Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. In 1992, Wahhaj said, "If only Muslims were clever politically, they could take over the United States and replace its constitutional government with a caliphate."

    Ahmed also praised the gala's organizer, Nezar Hamze, a CAIR leader and Broward County sheriff's deputy. Hamze has denied the threat of Islamic terrorism and has conducted active shooter training at an al-Qaeda-associated Florida mosque. He has been actively involved in Islamic Relief Worldwide, an organization banned by the UAE, Israel, and several Swiss banks for funding al-Qaeda and Hamas.

    Another questionable candidate for office, Ammar Campa-Najjar, is running for the 50th Congressional District in eastern San Diego County and Temecula, the seat currently held by Duncan Hunter. Campa-Najjar's grandfather headed the intelligence wing of Fatah, the organization responsible for the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre and other terrorist attacks against Israelis.

    Campa-Najjar attended an Islamic school at the Masjid Abu Bakr in San Diego but claims to have converted to Christianity. His views on the Middle East are confounding. He says he appreciates Israel's need for security but also proclaims that "Israel will have to acknowledge its wrongdoings as the sovereign state" and "Palestinians will have to renounce violence and fanaticism, acknowledge their Jewish neighbors and accept new realities."

    In the most recent presidential election, Campa-Najjar supported Bernie Sanders, who criticized Israel for its offensive war against Gaza following thousands of rocket attacks and questioned America's level of support for Israeli security.

    A third Muslim would-be politician, Dilara Sayeed, ran unsuccessfully as a Democratic candidate for the Illinois House's 5th District and was endorsed by M.B. operative Ellison. Sayeed recently spoke at a Muslim religious festival (Eid) dinner at the Loyola University Chicago Muslim Student Association and was honored by the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago (CIOGC) at an event that featured M.B. and sharia-advocate, Dalia Mogahed, as the keynote speaker.

    The Muslim Student Association, a rabidly anti-U.S., anti-Semitic, and anti-Israel group, is the first national Islamic organization established by the Muslim Brotherhood to indoctrinate and recruit Muslim students for terrorist organizations. Meanwhile, CIOGC members include many M.B. front organizations, such as the Mosque Foundation (M.F.), which has held fundraisers for individuals and groups associated with the terrorist organization Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas; Islamic Relief USA, which has funded al-Qaeda; and the Muslim American Society, which has propagated materials that degrade women, curse Christians, and call for the murder of Jews and homosexuals.

    With endorsements from the Chicago Sun Times and the Chicago Tribune and as a fellow of JetPac, an organization established as an "open call for American Muslims to immerse themselves in local politics," Sayeed is likely to seek political office again and succeed.

    Given the new Muslim candidates and their affiliations, and the likely emergence of even more such office-seekers, Ellison's address at a 2010 MAS fundraiser, hosted by jihad supporter Esam Omeish, now seems an ominous warning. Said Ellison, "And I am telling you, that with your help, we are able to take the Muslim presence on Capitol Hill from zero to a real player. And this is what we're trying to do and we got to do it in every state house in America ... positioning Muslims in general to help steer the ship of state in America."

    Surely, the ongoing attempt to penetrate American society through political office so clearly documented in Muslim Brotherhood strategic documents published decades ago is proceeding apace. Despite a stated objective to destroy the United States from within and replace its system of laws and values with Islamic doctrine or sharia, ignorance or willful blindness on the part of Americans insures that their goal is dangerously within reach.

    Image: Rudy Herman via Flickr.

    In 2007, in a highly controversial move, Keith Hakim Ellison, the first Muslim congressman, swore his oath of office on a copy of the Koran. In effect, Ellison rejected the values that unify Americans and instead pledged to follow a religious text that commands Muslims to wage war against secular legal systems.

    Today, swearing the oath of office on the Koran and even simultaneously praising Allah have become almost commonplace. In 2016, Minneapolis Park Board member and Somalian refugee, A.K. Hassan took his oath on a massively oversized Koran and proclaimed his commitment to serve "in the name of Allah." In 2015, another Somali refugee, Ilhan Omar, elected to the Minnesota House of Representative, swore on the Koran, as did Carolyn Walker-Diallo, the first Muslim woman judge elected to Brooklyn's 7th Municipal District, and Abdullah Hammoud, a Michigan state representative.

    In "Muslim Brotherhood Political Infiltration on Steroids," I described how as early as 1987, FBI information revealed that the Muslim Brotherhood – a Middle East political organization considered a terrorist organization by five Arab countries and Russia – was seeking to "peacefully get inside the United States Government" and accomplish "the ultimate goal of overthrowing all non-Islamic governments." Several M.B. front groups, including Project Mobilize; the United States Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO); and Jetpac, Inc., had been created to politically exploit America's Muslim community to achieve supremacist goals set forth in the Muslim Brotherhood's strategic plan, the Explanatory Memorandum.

    As if taking a cue from the memorandum, the executive director of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Nihad Awad, spoke in January 2016, at the 14th annual Muslim American Society-Islamic Circle of North America (MAS-ICNA) conference in Chicago. He urged Muslims to "[t]urn your centers, Islamic centers, mosques into registration centers for voters, into polling stations during election time."

    Awad intoned that American Muslims can determine "not only the future of you here but the future of America itself." In 2014, the United Arab Emirates identified CAIR and MAS as terrorist organizations. CAIR, referred to as "Hamas doing business as CAIR" by former FBI supervisor and M.B. expert John Guandolo, had been previously identified as an unindicted co-conspirator in the HLF-Hamas funding trial. ICNA was listed in the Explanatory Memorandum as one of the Muslim Brotherhood's likeminded "organization of our friends" with the shared goal of destroying America and transforming it into a Muslim nation.

    In Canada and Europe and to a more limited degree in the U.S., once devout Muslims are installed in political office, they push for anti-hate speech and anti-Islamopobia laws and even prohibitions against verbatim citing of Islamic texts. In addition, since sharia-adherent Muslims are commanded to reject man-made law such as the U.S. Constitution, they must endeavor to replace secular law with Islamic doctrine under a caliphate or Islamic government.

    Muslims in office also take positions against U.S. interests. For example, Ellison represents "Little Mogadishu," a neighborhood in Minneapolis with one of the highest concentrations of Somali Muslim refugees. In 2015, despite active recruiting in his district by the East African terrorist group Al-Shabaab, and the arrest of several Somalis for attempted travel to Syria to join ISIS, Ellison ignored terrorist financing concerns and opposed efforts to curb cash transfers to Somalia.

    Meanwhile, new Muslim candidates of questionable motivation and affiliation continue to run for office. Since my previous article, two are in upcoming races, and one, who was momentarily unsuccessful, is likely to run again.

    In Florida's Broward County, Altaf Ahmed is running for county commissioner in an election to be held later this year. In 2016, he tweeted his attendance at CAIR Florida's 16th annual gala and included a photo of himself with Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. In 1992, Wahhaj said, "If only Muslims were clever politically, they could take over the United States and replace its constitutional government with a caliphate."

    Ahmed also praised the gala's organizer, Nezar Hamze, a CAIR leader and Broward County sheriff's deputy. Hamze has denied the threat of Islamic terrorism and has conducted active shooter training at an al-Qaeda-associated Florida mosque. He has been actively involved in Islamic Relief Worldwide, an organization banned by the UAE, Israel, and several Swiss banks for funding al-Qaeda and Hamas.

    Another questionable candidate for office, Ammar Campa-Najjar, is running for the 50th Congressional District in eastern San Diego County and Temecula, the seat currently held by Duncan Hunter. Campa-Najjar's grandfather headed the intelligence wing of Fatah, the organization responsible for the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre and other terrorist attacks against Israelis.

    Campa-Najjar attended an Islamic school at the Masjid Abu Bakr in San Diego but claims to have converted to Christianity. His views on the Middle East are confounding. He says he appreciates Israel's need for security but also proclaims that "Israel will have to acknowledge its wrongdoings as the sovereign state" and "Palestinians will have to renounce violence and fanaticism, acknowledge their Jewish neighbors and accept new realities."

    In the most recent presidential election, Campa-Najjar supported Bernie Sanders, who criticized Israel for its offensive war against Gaza following thousands of rocket attacks and questioned America's level of support for Israeli security.

    A third Muslim would-be politician, Dilara Sayeed, ran unsuccessfully as a Democratic candidate for the Illinois House's 5th District and was endorsed by M.B. operative Ellison. Sayeed recently spoke at a Muslim religious festival (Eid) dinner at the Loyola University Chicago Muslim Student Association and was honored by the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago (CIOGC) at an event that featured M.B. and sharia-advocate, Dalia Mogahed, as the keynote speaker.

    The Muslim Student Association, a rabidly anti-U.S., anti-Semitic, and anti-Israel group, is the first national Islamic organization established by the Muslim Brotherhood to indoctrinate and recruit Muslim students for terrorist organizations. Meanwhile, CIOGC members include many M.B. front organizations, such as the Mosque Foundation (M.F.), which has held fundraisers for individuals and groups associated with the terrorist organization Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas; Islamic Relief USA, which has funded al-Qaeda; and the Muslim American Society, which has propagated materials that degrade women, curse Christians, and call for the murder of Jews and homosexuals.

    With endorsements from the Chicago Sun Times and the Chicago Tribune and as a fellow of JetPac, an organization established as an "open call for American Muslims to immerse themselves in local politics," Sayeed is likely to seek political office again and succeed.

    Given the new Muslim candidates and their affiliations, and the likely emergence of even more such office-seekers, Ellison's address at a 2010 MAS fundraiser, hosted by jihad supporter Esam Omeish, now seems an ominous warning. Said Ellison, "And I am telling you, that with your help, we are able to take the Muslim presence on Capitol Hill from zero to a real player. And this is what we're trying to do and we got to do it in every state house in America ... positioning Muslims in general to help steer the ship of state in America."

    Surely, the ongoing attempt to penetrate American society through political office so clearly documented in Muslim Brotherhood strategic documents published decades ago is proceeding apace. Despite a stated objective to destroy the United States from within and replace its system of laws and values with Islamic doctrine or sharia, ignorance or willful blindness on the part of Americans insures that their goal is dangerously within reach.

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    This is what you --allllllll- should be afraid of, IMHO.
    They are firm allies and in league with the dem party and will use it to further their aims.
    Of course , they will not be rightly opposed until it is too damn late!!!
    That is exactly how evil always gets entrenched.
    Truth is no muslim should be allowed to hold any political office in this nation-simply because Islam radically and violently opposes our Constitution and
    will not and can not truly swear to defend it!!!
    Dems dont care about that, as they too, want to destroy the Constitution and remake this nation....-Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    `Politics is a tool of Islam, but not the real tool to be feared. The real fear should be incrementalism and lies..............

    The grand scheme being undertaken today starts with lies. How many flaming twits have you heard claim that Islam is a religion of peace?

    People making this claim have not read the Koran, studied history, or even listened to their clerics speaking. If they did, then they would know that the stated goal of Islam is to conquer the world using whatever means possible.

    They would understand the concept of taqiyya which is the idea that lying to infidels to get you way is not only allowed, but supported by their religion. They would understand that Islam is a violent cult that lives for revenge and death. But there are many people to whom are lied time and again and they fail to see the true nature of Islam.

    When various people such as political leaders are convinced of Islam's harmless nature, they encourage, in the name of diversity, flagging numbers of youthful workers to pay taxes to support the social programs for the elderly, immigration from war zones, and so forth.

    IN the case of Europe, these numbers are incredibly large and no matter how much of an increase in crime, no matter how they refuse to be integrated, no matter how badly they behave by setting up "no go" zones, No matter how high their unemployment matter how badly they abuse the social welfare state, and so forth, the politicians still believe this immigration to be a good thing....

    The number if Muslim immigrants began decades ago and created a stable base that has allowed ever increasing numbers via immigration. This was and remains incrementalism at work and is the real threat simply because Muslims have no political power until there is a sufficient Muslim population in place to enforce their political will............

    ***Today, many European countries are near a tipping point where the old country with their traditions, culture, economy, and so forth, are on the verge of disappearing or collapsing.

    They are nearing the point of a civil war where the Muslims could rise up and try to take over the country for their numbers are large and made up mostly of men of military age.

    Once those Muslims living there decide to take over the government using either force or political means, the indigenous populations will not stand a chance. Their countries will be lost and Islam will take over. ..........Once that occurs, they can expect religious persecution of everyone who is not Muslim and a descent into the seventh century. This should be obvious to all, but it seems that Merkel and other current leaders are blind to the obvious.`

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    It doesn't "scare" me, it pisses me off.

    I was born an American, I will live my life as an American, and I will DIE as an American. I took an oath when I enlisted in the military to protect my nation against ALL enemies foreign and DOMESTIC, and that oath didn't have an expiration date.

    Enough said.

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    Thumbs up

    Islam is the world's fastest-growing religion by the number of conversions every year. The religion began in Arabia, but today 80% of all believers in Islam lived outside the Arab world.

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    Quote Originally Posted by amanwaa View Post
    Islam is the world's fastest-growing religion by the number of conversions every year. The religion began in Arabia, but today 80% of all believers in Islam lived outside the Arab world.

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    Quote Originally Posted by amanwaa View Post
    Islam is the world's fastest-growing religion by the number of conversions every year. The religion began in Arabia, but today 80% of all believers in Islam lived outside the Arab world.
    Cancer grows too, but I do not see anybody celebrating it.
    Islam is a cancer upon earth. It is nothing more than an insane, murdering cult that has disguised itself as a religion. One that has in its 1400+ year history murdered over 250 million innocent people and that is the low estimate, the other estimate is much higher....
    Do give us a history lesson on how that other 80% came to be outside the Arab world....
    Try presenting a history of Islams savagery and murdering in its conquests throughout its always violent 1400+ year history.
    Islam has never been a religion of peace, it has always been a sadistic, murdering cult that murders all that do not yield and then join its insanity! Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    Cancer grows too, but I do not see anybody celebrating it.
    Islam is a cancer upon earth. It is nothing more than an insane, murdering cult that has disguised itself as a religion. One that has in its 1400+ year history murdered over 250 million innocent people and that is the low estimate, the other estimate is much higher....
    Do give us a history lesson on how that other 80% came to be outside the Arab world....
    Try presenting a history of Islams savagery and murdering in its conquests throughout its always violent 1400+ year history.
    Islam has never been a religion of peace, it has always been a sadistic, murdering cult that murders all that do not yield and then join its insanity! Tyr
    Tyr, why not put his name in your Islam thread?
    After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box - Author unknown

    “Unfortunately, the truth is now whatever the media say it is”

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    I don't think the majority of the black muslims in this country fully understand what they supposedly believe. I'm reminded of a conversation I had 12 years ago with a black coworker who was also an amateur boxer and Mike Tyson fan. After a recent fight and interview with Jim Grey, Iron Mike made the following statement:

    The next day at work, I noticed the coworker wearing a "No God But Allah" t-shirt with the corresponding Arabic script underneath. I stopped him, looked at his shirt and asked, "Are you a member of the pedophile, rag pickers death cult or do you just like the design on the shirt?" Stunned, he looked at me with a confused look on his face, looked down at his shirt and said, "Yeh, cool aint it?" I replied, "That's what I thought" and moved on. Nothing like true commitment.

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    Default Tyr, and All here.

    I have been doing a lot of study over the years, and I have learned some really scary facts Tyr has touched upon with this thread.

    If anyone really wants to find out what the real threats of ISLAM are today, using Politics as the weapon. A simple search on your I have discovered; can show the very close relationships between Radical Islam, and the Democrat devotion to the practices of their own version of Sharia Law that...IF YOU RECOGNIZE actually the basis for Radical Socialism, Communism, and even certain, limited forms of Scientology where the LAWS follow closely to the punishment of anyone who doesn't follow the teachings, practices, hatred, and phony claims of Mohammed in leading the Radical Portions of Anti-Western, Anti-American, Anti-Constitutional laws that are being denied, and taught through Bastardized Interpretations of the Koran.

    I know that's a mouthful to swallow. But simply remember how Obama was beholden to Radical Muslim Brotherhood Leadership, which also included known Muslim members being Hidden, but Visible in his Administration. Like the names RICE, JARRETT, and HOLDER for starters....
    I love to make Liberals Cry, and Whine.
    So, this is for them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
    Tyr, why not put his name in your Islam thread?
    Good suggestion, will do my friend...-Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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