The only word banned here is the C word. Society has determind that the C word was reprehensible, and it's not often used in the USA, other than to truly insult someone. There's no valid use of it, not even part of a discussion or news article and certainly not in today's music culture. It's loosely used to describe a part of a woman's anatomy, and is considered disgusting and degrading by all walks of American life. The ban went back long prior to DP even.

The N word is not banned. Maybe we'll someday see this word treated the same as the other vulgar word. Right now, there seems to be too much use of it to go away anytime soon. The N word is NOT to ever be used here as a name to call anyone on this board. It really shouldn't even be used to call folks outside of the board. My thoughts have always been that it can be used as part of a discussion. There have been many articles over the years using the word, although not mainstream. Discussion about music, and of course about society, culture and comparisons. For example, the video/event I spoke of where a rap star called a white woman on stage to participate in his song, but then stopped the music and called her out for using the N word. I still wouldn't use it, but I can see if someone posted lyrics for example as part of such a story.

I think the majority of society has also deemed this word quite offensive. It's obviously used many times to call someone names. If/when that happens, it is unacceptable, IMO. Discussion is one thing, but name calling with such a word would be totally different.

The argument between HPD and Rev is not my beef. As to an apology, one has to want to give that on their own.

What I will say, is that it's unfortunate and sad that Rev is black and feels like he's attacked with such a word, and I DO NOT want that, ever. I can disagree with Rev, even on racial discussions, and not use such a word in front of him. That's respect to him, and also myself.

I DO understand some being angry at the double standard. I understand where it comes from and I don't have an answer. But there's certainly no need for any of us to go out of our way to use the word, knowing it's offensive. And if not, we all know now about Revelarts being black. And whether folks disagree with him vehemently and passionately on any subject out there - he certainly doesn't go out of his way to use offensive terms. Those that should be questioned are those that put it out there in the music for their fans & perhaps those that freely use the word.