There are images circulating from when the press and others visited a processing center. There are families there with their children. They are using very warm blankets, but ugly as hell. They are calling them cages. An internment camp. Some calling Trump a nazi for the images. Every single hollywood nitwit late show hosts went into bonkers mode. Every single democrat is apparently against it. The liberal news media acted as if they were in fact internment camps.

But it's the same place Obama used, with the same blankets even. Same fenced in areas, identical in fact. The only difference is that there are many more there now. That's because many more are trying to get in, back then folks were released easily and then disappeared & finally we now have folks in the government willing to enforce the law.

And hell yes, I checked, there was NO outrage at all back then - none. None by late night hosts, none by democrats & the media was still fawning over Obama of course.


PHOTOS: Obama Used Same So-Called ‘Cages’ to Detain Child Border Crossers

The so-called “cages” being used by federal immigration officials to detain child border crossers in detention facilities are the same barriers that were used by former President Obama’s administration.

A series of rare photos taken from inside detention facilities where mostly Central American minors were held in detention under the Obama administration in 2014 reveals that detention of border crossers has largely remained the same under Trump as it was under the previous administration.

For weeks, the establishment media has referred to the detention facilities where federal immigration officials are holding child border crossers as “cages” and one Senate Democrat even called the facilities “dog kennels.”

CBS News, Time Magazine, Business Insider, NBC News, and their counterparts in the Democratic Party have continuously claimed migrant children are being held in cages, specifically pointing to photos from a detention facility in McAllen, Texas. These same barriers, though, were used in that McAllen detention facility under President Obama when the establishment media was silent on the issue.

These images from 2014 reveal how the Obama administration used the same so-called “cages” to detain child border crossers:

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