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    Default More Democrat BS blamed on Russia

    And of course they will spin it and push it as far as they can. But fact is, this is what I've been seeing and reading for a long time. Andc yeps, I heard the same about republicans. But the Dems are working hard on screwing up the mid-terms that should have been a walk in the park for them. And they keep pushing and pushing on the wrong crap and obsessing over it. They are imploding.


    No, the #WalkAway Movement Isn't Run by Russian Bots. But It Is a Major Threat to the Democratic Party

    Democrats want you to think the #WalkAway campaign is a right-wing propaganda effort propped up by a legion of Russian bots, but don't you believe it. Brandon Straka's WalkAway Facebook group now has over 106,000 members -- and anyone who takes the time to read their stories will quickly be disabused of the notion that bots could produce them.

    The #WalkAway stories are compelling and often quite moving. People from every imaginable background -- black, white, Hispanic, rich, poor, straight, gay, trans, and even celebrity -- explain why they left the party. Most of these people voted Democrat their whole lives; most have lost friends for supporting President Donald Trump. Most have also found solace in the #WalkAway community.

    In 2016, the Democrat media complex ignored the massive grassroots movement that came out in support for Trump, dismissing his massive rallies and popularity online as somehow insignificant. Now they are dismissing the #WalkAway campaign as a propaganda movement. Once again, something genuine and significant is happening across the nation, and it's getting ignored or ridiculed by media elites. It doesn't matter. Like a snowball rolling downhill, the movement is getting bigger and bigger with each day and there's nothing an elite can do to stop it.

    In story after story, former Democrats -- including a popular, Grammy-nominated musician -- describe how they finally saw through the lies, smears, duplicity, and hypocrisy that infects today's Democratic Party. And how they couldn't help but notice the outrageous double standard in the way liberals and conservatives are treated. For people who remotely pay attention, the corrupt stench of the party is getting harder and harder to ignore.

    "Laws are made for everyone and now it's as if Demacrats [sic] are protecting each other and seems like they can break the laws and they get away scot free," writes Barbara Kaminsky, who says she comes from a long line of Democrats. "If an ordinary person like me did the things they do I would be under the jail. I am disillusioned by the fact that Hillary got off with nothing for the massive corruption, dishonesty and lies she has done and just skates back to her mansion and a young naval man takes a picture to send his family and goes to prison. I could go on and on but I digress."

    Christiana S. F. Chamon writes that she comes from "a very leftist Brazilian family" that essentially told her what to think. She says she voted for Obama twice, and really thought "Republicans were evil racists, bigots, and Bible thumpers."

    Rest -

    Description from their Facebook page:

    The #WalkAway Campaign is a true grassroots movement. It is a video campaign movement, dedicated to sharing the stories of people who can no longer accept the current ideology of liberalism and what the Democratic Party has become. Some left long ago. Many of us have recently been “red-pilled”. Some here have wanted to leave for some time, but have feared the consequences they might suffer from friends or family if they walk away.

    This group is here to encourage and support those on the left to walk away from the divisive tenets by allowing people to share their stories, or watch the video testimonies and read the posts of others who have walked away.

    But this campaign also serves another very important purpose. For far too long, the left has controlled the narrative in this country in news and media while the “silent majority” on the right have done what they always do- remained silent. The left has been allowed for so long to reinforce the narrative that everybody on the right is a bigot, a racist, a homophobe, a misogynist, etc. But the left has become so extreme, it’s now time to fight back. I want people on the right to use their voices and tell the world the truth about who they are. Please make a video telling everyone what it means to be a conservative in America. What your values really are. Tell minorities on the left who have been told their whole lives that they are not welcome on the right because of the bigotry and hatred of the people on the right that they are welcome. That there is a seat at the table on the right for everybody.

    This is a movement of patriots of all walks of life- men, women, black, brown, white, straight, LGBTQ, religious, non-believers, who share something very important in common... WE ARE AMERICAN and we will not surrender our country!

    Please enjoy the video testimonials and posts, and please leave one of your own!
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    I'd say they need more MSM exposure if they're some grassroots movement because I never heard of them until this thread.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    I'd say they need more MSM exposure if they're some grassroots movement because I never heard of them until this thread.
    Yup, me neither. But funny how even "little" groups like this need to be attacked by folks on the left and/or already somehow placing "blame" or trying to excuse actions.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    Yup, me neither. But funny how even "little" groups like this need to be attacked by folks on the left and/or already somehow placing "blame" or trying to excuse actions.
    I wasn't even looking at that. I was more considering the possible good some MSM exposure would do. The more that quit, the merrier. And all some people need is a nudge in the right direction.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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