Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
Sassy I envy you that you can write great poetry and are also such a fine artist that create such colorful and beautiful art too!
I have tried painting but it was a pitiful experience. However true artists I admire and respect deeply my friend..
Those are all wonderful art!! -Tyr
Thank you Tyr!

This is resin art ... no painting involved. It's resin and epoxy mixed with different color mediums (acrylic paint, alcohol paint, mica powder, house paint, etc.) and poured on various mediums (canvas, wood, tile, gesso board). I've just started this hobby so lots of experimenting and lessons to learn. My biggest problem right now is I keep my house cold and it makes resin set up faster so not much time to play with it.

Also, learning that just because I get it to look the way I want doesn't mean it ends up that way. The resin continues to move until it sets so some of my shapes lose their definition. I don't have an art background so don't know much about color interactions. I seem to do better with the cool colors.

And, it's a very sticky process!