This new socialist twit is retarded and arrogant. Of course she doesn't want to debate, she would get creamed. She's been falling over the easiest of questions thus far, she wouldn't hold up to a seasoned debate. Nor do any of her stances hold water, so she doesn't want to be the fool - so she turns things around and of course claims sexism. That's the liberal way - EVERYONE who disagrees is a racist or a sexist or a homophobe or some sort of label. Always the victim.

So now, what will her response be to women? Will they get a label for daring to call her out?

These types of call outs to debate are quite often, and normal, and doesn't make a man or a woman a bad person or any type of label.

Ocasio-Cortez dismisses Shapiro's debate challenge as sexist - so the ladies line up

Conservative women lined up to challenge New York Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to a debate on Thursday. Their challenges came after she dismissed a similar challenge from conservative commentator Ben Shapiro as sexist (“just like catcalling”), claiming that he had “bad intentions.”

Shapiro started the conversation with a simple request: $10,000 to her campaign if she sat down with him for an hour-long show on Sunday.

When people began to call her out for not responding, Ocasio-Cortez painted Shapiro as a sexist, likening his “unsolicited” debate request to an unwanted catcall.

Shapiro was quick to fire back, saying that Ocasio-Cortez was the one demonstrating “bad intentions” by responding with slander.

And it wasn’t long before conservative women — ranging from Fox News contributors to Pussycat Dolls — stepped up and called Ocasio-Cortez’s bluff.

Ocasio-Cortez has yet to offer a response to any of the challenges.