@Gunny Well, I'm always reading and learning about lifting, and recently about importance to not lift the same muscles every day. They need a day off because that's when muscle growth happens. Also that if you want to put on size you really need to push it. You need to lift heavy and completely burn down your muscles to the point where you can't lift any more. There's a word for that state of your muscles but it escapes me right at the moment.

But I'll tell ya, if I was 25 years old again, with the amount of lifting I've done in the last year and half, I'd be starting to look like AHH-nold. But, at 64, it's pretty freakin' hard to pack on size. That's not to say I haven't though because I have. You just have to work twice as hard to get half as much. I can feel it though, and it's pretty obvious this old fuck lifts. Gettin' cut pretty well and getting stronger. Stronger than I thought I'd be able to also. Been adding weight and surprised I can lift it.

Lift for life.