Ok, so I've heard a million times during my life about people going to the doctor to get a vitamin B12 shot. Never fully understood nor did I care.

Long story short, no need for back discussion and why... but I DID NOT get this shot. My doctor DID explain to me about folks going to go get them, and why and what not.

We then went on to the next one, the L-Methylfolate. Now this one is more or less what you already. It's naturally produced by your body. You also get it with a lot of different foods and some green vegetables. But instead of the natural way, in this manner you are getting some sort of pre-cursor of the B12.... I'm sure you have seen the 'folic acid' and various other folic and folate things listed in ingredients.

So now, when they add this L crap instead of a B12 shot, it helps with people already taking an anti-depressant which I already do. He said you can look at it like a booster of sorts, and it may assist further with the original medication, and simply help more. But also said, it helps with energy and focus and what not.

Well, the man wasn't lying. Today is the 4th day of taking the medication when I first awake. And every day, about 45 minutes or so after taking it, it feels like you get a HUGE HUGE burst of energy. If anything, maybe too much, so I'm hoping that if using it, that maybe after a week or so the 'overwhelming' portion of it will subside. If not, maybe a lower dosage if possible? Either way by then it will be time to check in with the doc anyway.

In those 4 days I have gotten a TON load of stuff done with the new found energy. The focus isn't 100% there, but hoping with a little more time on that too.

The brand name of this medication is "Deplin". I think the generic is "Cerefolin". And he says its very expensive. BUT - that if it helps, he'll show me how to get it from Amazon!? This is listed as "medical food" - so you don't need a script unless you are actually getting the "Deplin".