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    Default A Dark One Written, Because This Night Sleep Is Elusive And My Mind Decides To Ramble

    When You Feel Life Is Crap, Has Too Many Hells

    When you are walking through each day's hard travails
    you feel life is crap, has far too many Hells,
    try to see reality as that dark force,
    that from insanity gives mind a divorce;
    With such knowledge larger shield may be granted,
    you may find life and love both are enchanted.

    When your nights are long and needed sleep deprived
    you find that as human, all life is contrived,
    you beg for long sweet dreams to give your soul rest,
    reality gives you yet another test;
    To accept its darker and malignant deeds,
    learn that everything dies and most of it bleeds.

    When such pondering comes and your mind rebels
    you feel life is crap, has far too many Hells,
    know that you are not perfect and you know why
    life is damn tough, everything that bleeds will die;
    With that truth and its hard and deep final thought
    you may find, life is a trap and you are caught.

    When you are walking through each day's hard travails
    you feel life is crap, has far too many Hells,
    try to see reality as that dark force,
    that from insanity gives mind a divorce;
    With such knowledge, larger shield may be granted,
    you may find life and love both are enchanted.

    Robert J. Lindley, 2-17-2018

    Syllables Per Line:
    11 11 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 11 11
    Total # Syllables: 264
    Total # Words: 211

    Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2018
    Could not sleep, decided to let my darkest pen ramble
    admit my humanity and splash dark black ink to gamble;
    Pen a few words to wile away these lonely after midnight hours,
    defeat the invading evil flinging stones from fortified black towers.
    This restless night the Raven shrieks out its deepest chilling calls,
    in dark dreams, I stumble about in darkness, among fallen castle walls.
    Poe echoes out his warnings to find the light and thus be aware
    the Raven never rests, gives no quarter and simply does not care.
    Raven does so much more than just send its terrifying calls
    it lends darkness to invade and leave behind bloodied castle halls.
    Scoff at this dire warning, and your sad soul risk it as blind
    I wander through this realm, see monsters of every kind.
    I am Poe, the greatest poet and horror master you will ever know
    Ignore me and the Raven and I both, will put on an even scarier show

    Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2018

    ************************************************** *

    Sad tis it not, that this is a curse to me when I can not sleep
    I wake to splash a bit of my ink and ponder on this my old age and life
    watch the night crawl by and still my home castle safely keep
    never forget the great blessing of having loving children, family and my beautiful wife.--Tyr
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 02-17-2018 at 12:41 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    " find that as human, all life is contrived,
    you beg for long sweet dreams to give your soul rest,
    reality gives you yet another test;
    To accept its darker and malignant deeds,
    learn that everything dies and most of it bleeds.

    When such pondering comes and your mind rebels
    you feel life is crap, has far too many Hells,
    know that you are not perfect and you know why
    life is damn tough, everything that bleeds will die;
    With that truth and its hard and deep final thought
    you may find, life is a trap and you are caught."

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    As My Sad Tears Fall, Its Gown Glows A Fearsome Red

    I simply can not write good poetry today
    yesterday's ghost haunts me and will not go away,
    on its torn black cap and red shoes are jingling bells
    in its raging red eyes are high, sea raging swells.
    Ruby ringed left hand, holds repugnant staff of wastes
    in its right, bucket of blood, begging bitter tastes!

    I simply can not write good poetry today
    last night's dreams, yesterday's persistent ghost yet stays
    replaying scenes that are chosen to break my heart,
    screaming, beautiful red roses were torn apart.
    As my sad tears fall, its gown glows a fearsome red
    casting curses upon lying words I once said.

    I simply can not write good poetry today
    yesterday's ghost haunts me and will not go away,
    on its torn black cap and red shoes are jingling bells
    in its raging red eyes are high, sea raging swells.
    Ruby ringed left hand, holds repugnant staff of wastes
    in its right, bucket of blood, begging bitter tastes!

    Robert J. Lindley, 7-18-2018
    Rhyme, (Dark And Ghostly Regrets)
    Inspired by a dream, rather a recent nightmare I had....

    Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2018
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Not mine... but cool...

    When Sleep Won'T Come - Poem by David Whalen

    Trepidation, perspiration
    Preoccupation on one’s brow

    Replace it with hope and anticipation
    With keen elation… replace it now

    Anxious moments, sweaty palm
    Sleepless nights, heart beat hurried

    Replace it with, the peaceful calm
    of a mindset… cool…unworried

    Don’t seek the sleep
    When sleep won’t come

    Just change the channels
    Within your mind

    Seek the thoughts
    you want to keep

    The peace you want
    Is the peace you’ll find

    Fixate upon one pleasant thought
    Concentrate with all your might

    And all the worries, and fears you fought
    Will skulk away into the night

    Fixate upon what you love
    To all else become blind

    Don’t seek sleep
    When sleep won’t come

    Just change the channel
    Within your mind
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 07-18-2018 at 03:30 PM.

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    There Is Death In The Wind With Open Jaws

    Watch your step, there is death in the wind with open jaws
    fear less snakes and creepy spiders that scare as they crawl
    There is death in the winds, across window sills it blows
    be afraid less of deadly disease that in your body grows!

    Hold life dear, such windy gusts cut into ones heart and soul
    embrace your love deeper, open fanged jaws oft take a toll
    There is death in its winds, that evil howls as it heavy flows
    for its chill precede jagged jaws, when life ends nobody knows!

    Watch your step, there is death in the wind with open jaws
    fear less snakes and creepy spiders that scare as they crawl
    There is death in the winds, across window sills it blows
    be afraid less of deadly disease that in your body grows!

    Robert J. Lindley, 8-08-2018
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Nicely written, Robert. I will need to go read some of your other poems now, though, to balance out the dark mood.
    Ecclesiastes 10:2 - A wise man's heart directs him to the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him to the left.
    Wise men don't need advice, and fools won't take it - Ben Franklin
    "It's not how you start, it's how you finish."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Russ View Post
    Nicely written, Robert. I will need to go read some of your other poems now, though, to balance out the dark mood.
    Thank you my good friend. I write dark poetry to give a taste of the darkness this world exists in. And to give contrast to all the poets that only write happy, bright/colorful/joyful, and/or sappy poetry.
    We are dark creatures fallen into a state of sin, poets should write about that darkness- not ignore it, IMHO.-Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    The Raven King

    The raven-king flew down corridors, golden halls
    malice and human words in its most grievous calls
    heartaches, greater than any Shakespearean play
    not man's weakness, his devilishly wicked ways.

    Glaring glitter that blinds in life, forever stays
    Sorrows and deep regret race in tag team relays

    Golden halls filled with trophies and bloodshot dead eyes
    echoes ring out muffled laughter, sombering cries
    ancient books, spells- odors of witches brew
    all well stored for the ill-fated, unlucky few

    Glaring glitter that blinds in life, forever stays
    Sorrows and deep regret race in tag team relays

    Feasts set for tyrants, dead-kings that murdered at will
    bloodlaced wine to swallow with unrepentent swill
    blackness baked within dark pastries and swollen pies
    windows opened to view ashen colored skies

    Glaring glitter that blinds in life, forever stays
    Sorrows and deep regret race in tag team relays

    Each banquet, Poe introduces his newest tale
    to please the raven-king and his word never fail
    within his sorrows, whispers of Annabelle Lee
    melding with his chain's soft rattles, words- "she is free"

    Glaring glitter that blinds in life, forever stays
    Sorrows and deep regret race in tag team relays

    R.J. Lindley,
    March 19th, 1978
    (A Dark Dream Cometh

    Syllables Per Line:
    0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 0 12 12 10 12 0 12 12
    0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12 0 12 12 12 12 0 12 12
    Total # Syllables: 286
    Total # Words: 192

    Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2018
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 08-24-2018 at 11:32 AM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    The Path Became Bloody, The Door Forever Was Shut

    I saw the beast, drew my trusty sword
    The crowd was there, a ghastly little horde
    Devoid of dawn and reeking of decay
    allowing indifference to hold greatest sway.

    With a mighty blow, the beast was then cut
    The path became bloody, the door forever was shut.

    I saw the beast, is eyes throwing flames
    The crowd was there, playing childish games
    Beast roared and threw a vicious claw
    Crowd applauded it, they one and all.

    With a mighty blow, the beast was then cut
    The path became bloody, the door forever was shut.

    I saw beast, its fangs showed through its smile
    The crowd was there, with lust and usual guile
    Crying with hearts, black and frozen as ice
    Shouting kill the man, saying it thrice.

    With a mighty blow, the beast was then cut
    The path became bloody, the door forever was shut.

    I saw the beast, its flaming tail hit my head
    The crowd was there, laughed the more I bled
    Taken aback, my courage ate the mighty blow
    Crowd screamed out, more blood for the show.

    With a mighty blow, the beast was then cut
    The path became bloody, the door forever was shut.

    I saw the beast, slashing out in agonizing pain
    The crowd was there, shouted man can not win again
    With final blow, my sword pierced its black heart
    The crowd rushed forth seeking to rip me apart.

    With a mighty blow, new beast was then cut
    The path became bloody, the door forever was shut.

    R.J. Lindley,
    March 3rd, 1973
    (The beast and its faithful allies)
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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