Partisan politics are made up of nothing more than a list of wedge issues that don't affect anyone's daily lives i.e. abortion, gay marriage, flag burning, etc. These issues are put forth so that the public will stay divided. Divided, the public will never be able to stand together well enough to ever hold the government accountable for anything. So, with the public divided and weakened, the government is free to do whatever they want because all elections are divided 50/50 so the fact that everything is decided by a 1 percent majority vote remains plausible. The notion that hollywood is "liberal" because it backs the liberal side of the wedge issues is merely a front. Everyone knows that money, not issues, is the real motivator for the upper echelons of our government. I've been thinking about this lately because I notice topical movies coming out that could have huge influences over public perception of some key issues.

I first thought about this back in 2003 when we were thinking about invading Iraq. Hollywood flushed-out a torrent of war movies. "Pearl Harbor," "Black Hawk Down," etc. Movies designed to flare American's patriotic spirit. Movies designed to get America in a certain mood. A war mood. A "today seems like a good day to die for my country" mood.

Now I see there is a Mormon running for President. So Hollywood comes out with this: "September Dawn" A movie that casts negative light on the Mormon religion.
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Are they trying to influence public opinion on the Mormon candidate?

Then, I see this:
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
"Day Zero" about what four guys do when the draft is reinstated. Are they trying to butter us up for something?