They would LOVE to limit it in all kinds of scenarios. And seeing Trump sign this, ensuring that schools treat the right equally, must truly piss them off.


Nets Skip Trump Executive Order to Protect Free Speech on College Campuses

In a highly anticipated ceremony on Thursday, President Trump signed an executive order directing the government to take action in protecting free speech on college campuses. It wasn’t something that enthused the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and, NBC) so they omitted it from their evening broadcasts. Instead, they all cheered on New Zealand for their swift movement in banning so-called “assault weapons.” So, that’s two rights the liberal media seemingly don’t like.

In sharp contrast, Fox News and chief White House correspondent John Roberts covered the story early on during Special Report.

“At a ceremony in the East Room this afternoon, President Trump took a step he hopes will ensure all voices are heard on college campuses across the nation,” Roberts reported. “In an executive order, the President directed his cabinet agencies to tie federal grants for education and research to more aggressive enforcement of the First Amendment.”

At the signing ceremony, President Trump explained to the crowd how “under the guise of speech codes, and safe spaces, and trigger warnings, these universities have tried to restrict free thought, impose total conformity and shut down the voices of great young Americans.”

Roberts added: “The move follows incidents at several colleges and universities where conservatives have been targeted, including UC Berkeley were a student, Aidan Williams, was punched in the face for supporting the President and conservative policies.” And it was something Trump had announced during his annual CPAC address earlier this month.

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