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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
    Nutters being copy cats? Nutters wanting to be famous? Nutters wanting suicide by cop and taking lots with them?

    Open to any or all.

    Mass killings due to VR, much less movies, etc.?

    All of these are peripheral to wanting to kill lots of people, a sociopath. A nutter for the more nuanced.
    Well ya... nutters for sure, one way or the other.

    See my post above though...

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    One other point well worth making is, there will be a concerted propaganda campaign launched by video game industry money. They're not going to just sit back and watch their cash cow be attacked. Money rules the day in this and age. They don't give a damn if there is proof that their violent games are the cause of at least SOME of the shootings, their going to spread their propaganda saying otherwise to save their profits.
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 08-20-2019 at 11:56 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    Well ya... nutters for sure, one way or the other.

    See my post above though...
    I did. The same argument holds though, either the person is responsible or the inanimate 'makes them do it.' I go with the nutter, but that's me.

    That list? They all went to school. They all drank water. They all had issues. They all played video games. They all watched tv. They all killed a lot or tried to.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    YEAR IN REVIEW: 14 Mass Murders Linked to Violent Video Games

    "I've been waiting to do this for years." Those were the words of Chris Harper-Mercer before he killed 10 people, including himself, and left seven more injured in the massacre that took place on the Umpqua campus.

    It seems that almost every week the airwaves are flooded with mass shootings at the hand of violent, enraged gunmen. Violence and shootings affect hundreds, if not thousands of innocent people every year as well as our nation's stability as a whole. Through research, reports often indicate many mass killers were addicted to violent video games. Harper-Mercer was no exception to this trend.

    Harper-Mercer was known as a recluse who was obsessed with violent gaming and the digital world, even finding supporters on those sites. On an anonymous chat room website called 4chan, there are messages that talk about what he was planning to do.


    Here's a list of the mass murders linked with video games:

    1. Adam Lanza, Sandy Hook Elementary, was a frequent player of violent first-person shooter video games. It was said his existence largely involved playing violent computer video games in a bedroom.

    2. James Holmes, went on a rampage in a movie theater showing The Dark Knight Rises in Aurora, Colorado in July 2012, He was a frequent player of violent video games including World of Warcraft, an infamously addictive role-playing game.

    3 Jared Lee Loughner, Tucson, who shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed six others in Tucson in January 2011, was both mentally ill and a video gamer.

    4. Eric Harris, based on his journal, a panel of psychologists, psychiatrists and FBI agents point to Harris' contempt for others and his total lack of empathy and conscience as evidence of his psychopathic tendencies. He also enjoyed violent video games.

    5. Elliot Rodger, killed seven young men and women, including himself. He was hooked on violent video games from a young age from his own admission, hiding himself in World of Warcraft, where he felt comfortable and secure.

    6. Nehemiah Griego, killed five, including his mother, father and his three younger siblings. He loved playing violent video games and even enjoyed talking about them to crime investigators.

    7. Jacob Tyler Roberts, played violent video games (his rampage enacted a violent scene in Grand Theft Auto)

    8. Anders Behring Breivik shot 68 people dead at a youth camp of the Norwegian Labor party, another nine in a bombing of government buildings According to the judgment rendered against him, he liked playing violent games. He actually used the video game Call of Duty to train for his shooting massacre.

    9. Michael Carneal shot girls as they prayed in a prayer group. Carneal never moved his feet during his shootings, and never fired far to the left or right, but instead fired only once at each target that appeared, just as a player of video games maximizes his game score by shooting only once at each victim, in order to hit as many targets as possible.

    10. Jose Reyes, a 12-year-old boy who opened fire with a semiautomatic handgun at Sparks Middle School last October, killing a teacher and wounding two students before turning the gun on himself, had watched violent video games for months.

    11. Dylann Storm Roof, spent much of his time playing violent video games.

    12. Jeff Weise, a 16-year-old, shot dead nine people at and near his high school in Red Lake, Minnesota, had an obsession with violent animation.

    13. Chris Harper-Mercer, shot dead nine people and another seven injured in a community college in southern Oregon.

    14. Evan Ramsey, snuck a shot gun into his high school and shot a student and the principal and wounded two others. He claims that a video game, Doom, distorted his version of reality: "I did not understand that if I pull out a gun and shoot you ... you're not getting back up. You shoot a guy in Doom, and he gets back up. You have got to shoot the things in Doom eight or nine times before it dies."

    Other killers have been hooked on violent video games too and have a warped sense of what's real and what's not, thinking that real life is just like a video game.

    Numerous studies have linked violent behavior to consumption of violence in video games.

    Recently, researchers at Ohio State University conducted a study and concluded that, "People who have a steady diet of playing these violent video games may come to see the world as a hostile and violent place." Brad Bushman, professor of communication and psychology at OSU, continues, "These results suggest there could be a cumulative effect" in making video game players more aggressive and violent over the long term as well as over the short term.

    This is just one of thousands of studies about depictions of violence in the mass media, including video games, that come to similar conclusions.

    Of course, this doesn't mean that all children, teenagers and young adults playing video games, even violent video games, will act out violently, but when will people realize that the most dangerous weapon a person yields is their mind? The more minds are corrupted with violence, the more dangerous society becomes.

    Read more here:

    I actually WAS a cop (MP) and one of the first lessons you learn is correlation =/= causation.

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    Quote Originally Posted by High_Plains_Drifter View Post
    One other point well worth making is, there will be a concerted propaganda campaign launched by video game industry money. They're not going to just sit back and watch their cash cow be attacked. Money rules the day in this and age. They don't give a damn if there is proof that their violent games are the cause of at least SOME of the shootings, their going to spread their propaganda saying otherwise to save their profits.
    Will it be more or less money than the gun industry led by the NRA spends per year on their "propoganda" to convince people that their guns aren't responsible for what people do?

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