Quote Originally Posted by FakeNewsSux View Post
This is the first time I have ever participated in this type of public forum. Although I have been told I'm highly opinionated, I usually keep my opinions to family and friends via email. I'm a real off the grid kind of guy, no Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, yada yada yada. I am, however, thrilled to witness the rise and impact of alternative media during my lifetime. It is a long way from Walter Crankcase telling me, "And that's the way it is" each night after spoon feeding me his reality. It has also restored my faith in the ultimate survival of this society as I see the people reject the established media, be it broadcast or published, and are willing to search less traditional sources for the truth. Thank you all for allowing me to join your group in search for greater truths. After spending a few days browsing previous posts in various forums, it appears I have found a solid group of fellow travelers. I look forward to the ride. A special hat tip to Taco Junkie for hooking me up!

Welcome, FNS. Yeah, I am the same re no Facebook, Twitter, etc. I got stalked once on Facebook, a forum guy, and I found myself participating in a Twitter mob attack when one of those awful NFL players attacked his girlfriend at her birthday party, and thought, what am I DOING, leave it to the law! And never went back to Twitter. I'm so disheartened by the vicious news that I think discussion forums -- rightwing ones -- are the best way to get news now.

Finding "fellow travelers" as you say and being loyal to them and avoiding the enemy seems the way to go for me lately.