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    Default 73 Percent of Republican Students Have Hidden Their Politics over Fears about Grades

    Poll: 73 Percent of Republican Students Have Hidden Their Politics over Fears about Grades
    National Review Katherine Timpf,National Review Thu, Sep 5 9:24 AM CDT

    A recent survey of 1,000 Republican and Republican-leaning college students has found that 73 percent of them have hidden their political views in the classroom — because they’re worried that exposing them could negatively impact their grades.

    College Pulse conducted the online poll at the end of August for a conservative campus-news source, The College Fix, which has previously reported on its findings. The survey polled conservative-leaning students only.

    According to The Fix, the survey asked students: “Have you ever withheld your political views in class for fear that your grades would suffer?”

    Seventy-three percent of students who considered themselves to have “strong Republican” views said yes, as well as 71 percent with “weak Republican” views and 70 percent of Republican-leaning independents.

    The huge percentage of conservative students responding in this way is disheartening — but it’s not shocking. In my years working for National Review, I’ve covered numerous examples of professors and faculty on college campuses who have chosen to make their hatred for conservatives known. For example, earlier this year, administrators at Middlebury College apologized to students who were upset that a conservative speaker had been invited to campus and pledged to do more to prevent conservative speakers in the future. In 2017, a Clemson University professor declared in a Facebook post that “all Republicans” are “racist” and “scum.” In 2015, a journalism instructor at Mississippi State University compared a conservative student group to the KKK. Back in 2014, a University of Michigan department chairwoman published an article titled “It’s Okay To Hate Republicans.”

    First of all, let me be clear about the fact that I completely, totally support the First Amendment — and I absolutely understand that colleges’ professors and other employees do, and should, have the right to express their views. The thing is, though, they should really take more care to keep their comments to be more along the lines of policy discussions and avoid demonizing entire groups of people based solely on the fact that they’re on the opposite side of the political spectrum. Truly, I believe that our country would be a better place if everyone tried to maintain this kind of civility — but educators should especially want to adhere to it, for the sake of the students that they are tasked with teaching.

    Now, it’s obvious how the Republican students would be helped by this kind of approach. If such huge numbers of them are really too uncomfortable to share their honest views in the classroom for fear of getting lower grades because of it, then they are not getting the kind of educational experience that they deserve. No student should feel uncomfortable in the classroom simply because he or she is a Republican. After all, college should be a place where people with all different kinds of views can feel free to express them — and have them challenged — so that they can learn and grow, and Republicans are missing out on that sort of valuable expression.

    Which brings me to my second point: The status quo doesn’t just hurt Republican students, it hurts liberal students as well. Think about it: If Republicans are missing out on the valuable learning experience of having their views challenged because they do not feel that they can express them honestly, then liberal students are missing out on the same experience because they don’t have anyone challenging theirs. It’s true: Many college campuses are liberal echo-chambers, where liberal students and liberal professors are constantly reassuring each other of the correctness of the liberal position, without anyone ever exposing them to other points of view. This sort of environment will inevitably result in the liberal students who graduate from these colleges never having had the experience of defending their views or considering any others — which leaves them ill-prepared to engage politically in a real world that very much does include people who feel differently. In order to allow students to have the most educational college experience possible, these institutions should be encouraging its faculty and professors to demonstrate respect for people with different ideas.......
    This should be a stark, grave and eye opening revelation about what the liberal,progressive, socialist dem party deliberately and with intended harm- has done to our pubic education system !!
    One every intelligent, decent citizen should be screaming to correct.
    Yet it is now so ingrained-- nothing will be done about it, IMHO.
    Which is yet another glaring and tragic reason this nation will fall,, just as is planned by the socialist dem party..... -TYR
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
    This should be a stark, grave and eye opening revelation about what the liberal,progressive, socialist dem party deliberately and with intended harm- has done to our pubic education system !!
    One every intelligent, decent citizen should be screaming to correct.
    Yet it is now so ingrained-- nothing will be done about it, IMHO.
    Which is yet another glaring and tragic reason this nation will fall,, just as is planned by the socialist dem party..... -TYR
    This really is speaking to universities and it's been that way at certain schools since my dad was attending.

    IF I were sending my kid off today, I'd make certain they were at a green lit school rated by FIRE.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post
    If the freedom of speech is taken away
    then dumb and silent we may be led,
    like sheep to the slaughter.

    George Washington (1732-1799) First President of the USA.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post

    No issue at all at a PRIVATE college, but even your dishonest ass has to admit that colleges which receive government funding shouldn't have professors who are grading based on anything other than actual academic achievement.

    I went to a very small private college for my undergrad. We had this professor in my FR English Lit, funny bastard it was an 8 AM class on MWF. Class was on the second floor and had these huge swing out windows. Anyway this guy regurarly came to class in his pajamas, robe , slippers the whole 9 . Clearly haven rolled out of bed and grabbed a coffee before heading to class (most of the professors at this college live right off campus) anyway first day of class he hands out his syllabus and what not and one of the things he tells us he doesn't do much is pop tests, but that we would actually always have warning of a pop quiz because he would only hold them on days that he climbed into the class through the window. We all laughed. The third week of class we hadn't had a pop quiz so everyone thought "he doesn't do pop quizzes" But lo and behold we're in class and we hear a noise outside and here comes this guy in his pajamas propping a ladder against the wall LOL.

    Anyway I told that story to relate that this guy's grades had zero to do with actual academic scores. At the end of the semester he simply asked everyone to honestly tell him what grade they thought they deserved, whatever grade you thought you deserved is what you got. No questions asked LOL

    He was a weird son of a bitch but a super nice guy. I went to college for one year after high school and then got sent to the ME as part of Desert Storm. I was taking the second semester of English from him and had to miss about the last 3 weeks of that semester. This school had a pretty strict policy, you miss more than a week , you fail the course. I just figured I would fail my 2nd semester of college. When I reenrolled after returning home I found out this professor had gather all my professors and the Dean Of Academics and convinced them all give me passing grades in every class . I missed a full school year due to my National Guard obligation but this guy saved me losing another semester on top of that. I call him an old man, but he was like 40 at the time LOL. He's still alive and just recently retired from teaching at this college LOL he told me he had to stop climbing that ladder in his mid 60s , just too hard on his knees, but he still gave out grades based on what the students believe they deserve until his retirement.

    By the way I graduated from CofO (well was School of the Ozarks when I went there ) with a 3.9 GPA Dean's List every semester I was there. Then went ahead and finished up my Masters and PhD at the University of Arkansas in later life.

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    I had a college English Lit PhD that sounds similar to the mentioned ones in the OP.

    But he did not spout politics - he was against any and all athletes and made that perfectly clear.

    There were 3 of us in that class - a swimmer, a wrestler, and me, football and track.
    We all got D's mid-term, everyone else A's or B's.

    I got back at him though. I was Sgt-at-Arms of the student body and was a student Rep to
    the Faculty Senate. Every time he opened his pie hole in a meeting I jumped on him.
    I have lost my mind. If found, please give it a snack and return it?

    "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same of others"...John Wayne in "The Shootist"

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    Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post
    Can you expound on that? A one word response is weak even for you.
    I have lost my mind. If found, please give it a snack and return it?

    "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same of others"...John Wayne in "The Shootist"

    A Deplorable!

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