The lightening rod of the decade deserves some non-political analysis.
Here are a couple of things floating around in my brain:
1. We are seeing the behavior of a man who did not mature in the political realm. Trump did not learn the art of deflection, or finessing the public. We are seeing instead a successful business man who was at the top of his game in a city where power and wealth are everything. Which leads me to my next point

2. Trump was used to getting his way, with little to no resistance. He simply isn’t used to having to concern himself with others’ “feelings” or perceptions. He didn’t have to.

3. Trump values money and winning at a level most of us cannot imagine. To him, life is about negotiating the best deal possible, and I think he believes he is amazing at it. He believes he knows how to use the carrot and the stick extremely well. We see him doing it as President over and over.

4. Unlike when he was CEO, he cannot simply order the public to do things his way. And the media attack him 24/7. So he tweets what he wants us to know. And we all know how problematic that can be. This man who became famous worldwide for saying, “You’re fired!”
