My children no so jokingly refer to me as Colonel Dad because I'm strict and involved in their lives.

We have a strict morning routine that includes what time everyone gets up, how long they get in the bathroom, what time breakfast is served. ALL clothing is examined and approved by me before anyone leaves the house. I do a daily morning check to make sure homework is done and gets turned in, and that nothing unapproved goes to school.

We have bed times.

My children are not allowed to go over to other people's houses unless the parents are home and I have met them.

No guests are allowed unless either my wife or myself are home.

We have weekly bedroom checks to make sure rooms are being kept clean

We have chores

We limit screen time during the week, this includes all screens.

We have family dinner together every night. Exceptions are made , but only for legitimate reasons, otherwise you are expected to be there.

etc etc

I'm definitely a strict parent, what kind of parent are you? Or for some of you fogies, what kind of parent WERE you?