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    Michigan monitoring 325 people for coronavirus infections, but has tested ZERO


    At least 325 people in the state of Michigan are being monitored for the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) after having recently returned from travel to mainland China.

    Joining the hundreds of other potentially infected people also being monitored in California and several other states, these people in Michigan all took trips to communist China within the past two weeks, or were passengers on an unidentified cruise ship where the virus is present.

    Our guess is that this cruise ship was the Diamond Princess vessel from which 16 passengers were sent to locations all across the United States, including to the Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Washington, though this cannot yet be confirmed.

    As of this writing, none of the potential Michigan cases are under quarantine, but state health agency spokeswoman Lynn Sutfin told local media that all of them have been asked to self-quarantine, meaning they have the option to continue moving about in public without restriction.

    Sutfin said that, at this time, none of the patients are a high enough risk to be placed under mandatory lockdown.

    Michigan is one of the few states that has the equipment necessary to conduct tests for the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19). Most states, warned Mike Adams, the Health Ranger are ill-equipped to test for the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), which means they may have undetected cases roaming around in public.

    Thus far, Michigan has tested a total of five people using protocols set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). However, all of them have come back negative, and there are still no confirmed cases of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) anywhere in Michigan.

    In nearby Wisconsin, however, there is now one confirmed case of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19). And in Illinois, we’ve received word that there are now two confirmed cases of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19).

    All of the potential cases in Michigan will continue to be monitored for the hallmark symptoms of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), which include fever, cough and respiratory issues.

    “We are keeping track of cases resulting from repatriation efforts separately because we don’t believe those numbers accurately represent the picture of what is happening in the community in the United States at this time,” stated CDC head Dr. Nancy Messonnier as to the disparity in official case numbers being put out by her agency.

    Listen below as the Health Ranger talks about why people who live on rural farms as opposed to in densely packed cities have a far greater chance than anyone else of surviving the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19):
    Last edited by High_Plains_Drifter; 02-26-2020 at 08:58 AM.

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