Myself, I need to see numbers, stats, hard facts to enter to the 'ol ticker to make things compute.

Watching numbers increase puts another angle on things.

I chose points of interest and of course my own, and if anyone wants a specific area involved and updated, just lemme know!!

While I collected some stats, I had to refresh and go back to gather a few more. In that few minutes, there was already a change in the US!


Total Confirmed
351,731 - 353,692 (the first was the total half an hour ago, and now updated)

Cases in the USA - 35,241 - 35,345 (the first was the total half an hour ago, and now updated)

New York City, New York, US
Confirmed: 10,764
Deaths: 99

Westchester, New York, US
Confirmed: 1,873
Deaths: 0

Los Angeles, California, US
Confirmed: 409
Deaths: 5

United Kingdom
Confirmed: 5,683
Deaths: 289

Confirmed: 59,138
Deaths: 5,476