He now wants to get yet another investigation going and hurry up and get it in before the elections. This man is despicable.


Adam Schiff Wants to Investigate Trump Over Coronavirus – Hold Hearings Before 2020 Election

This really is amazing.

Back in February Democrats led by Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi were pushing through a sham impeachment trial in their latest attempt to remove President Trump from office.

It didn’t work.

At the same time reports were spreading of a dangerous virus running rampant in Wuhan, China.

President Trump in January banned flights from China before there were deaths in the US.

Democrats including Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden attacked President Trump for being xenophobic for banning the Chinese flights.

Now Adam Schiff wants to another sham investigation, show trial and impeachment proceeding of President Trump before the election.

This is today’s Democrat Party.

Angry, unhinged, undisciplined, out of ideas and out of control.
