Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
For example, I could give you a link to a former member here, she was literally as dumb as a box of rocks. She would literally change historical events. Just like CNN did a few days ago changing history outright as they spoke to Americans. So yes, there is reality, real history, and then what leftists imagine, or they eliminate things they don't like. And coincidentally, this former member was associated with the school system no less. She was an admitted far left teaching type of person, an admitted liar & outright idiot, if you will. That's what is in some schools. The left lies. Sure, all people do, but the left so so so much more than others. They are hypocrites. Every last one of them. And more than willing to lie and omit things in the MSM, just as they would lie & omit and pass along their stupidity within schools.
If you are referring to my mom, she is a counselor, not a teacher. My maternal grandmother was a teacher. Imparting subversive ideas to first graders. I often wonder if teachers are in the middle and others are attempting to change history to conform with their right wing ideology. Like Holocaust deniers and those who believe that interfering in Southeast Asia was a good idea. I would like to know which historical events have been changed by leftists to conform to their ideology. Yes, there are hypocrites. I can think of one right off. There is this world leader who staged a photo op at a church he rarely attends, carrying a book that he never reads. And using violence to pervert the story of a man whose life symbolized peace.