Here's some more.... if BLM really wanted to change things, they could have exercised another right guaranteed under the 1st amendment, the right of the people to petition the government for the redress of grievances.

They could have drafted legislation, circulated a petition that would then go to Congress and then they could have encouraged people to tell their Congressman that if they didn't vote for that piece of legislation, then they, in turn, would not support or vote for them in the following election....

THAT would get Congress's attention, and quick.

No one would have had to march, no buildings would have been burnt, no one would have been hurt.

But did they do this... NO... Do they want to this? Again, No... Do they really want to change things? Yes and no. They don't care about racism but they do care about overthrowing the government

Hence the moniker Black LIES Matter... because that's what they are.... first, last, and always... lying sacks of shit