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    Default On and about Covid 19 lies

    Read these comments and then try to tell me that the Covid -19 pandemic wasnt a scam...-Tyr

    Article -link

    U.S. coronavirus cases rise by nearly 50,000 in biggest one-day spike of pandemic
    Lisa Shumaker
    ,Reuters•July 1, 2020

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    Biff1 hour ago
    Memorial Day gatherings are cited, and July 4 celebrations may add to the infection numbers. But mass gatherings and riots get a pass.

    ReplyReplies (360)1,784299
    Roman1 hour ago
    The US has seen a record 52,000 new COVID-19 cases within 24 hours on Wednesday, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.
    The surge marks a new one-day record of infections as states across the country reopen.
    According to the tracker, there were 52,898 new cases over the 24 hours to Wednesday evening. The total number of COVID-19 cases in the US was 2,686,249 early Thursday morning and the number of deaths stood at 128,062.
    The daily coronavirus case numbers have remained around the 40,000 mark in recent days. The news comes as more than 44,000 new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in the US on Tuesday.
    Adding to the rise in cases, hospitalizations for COVID-19, the contagious respiratory disease that first emerged in China, are also increasing in Houston, Texas and Phoenix, Arizona.
    Anthony Fauci has warned that America's coronavirus lockdown was lifted too soon, was never strict enough in the first place, and that young people are driving a second wave that has seen daily infections top 50,000.
    Dr Fauci, the White House's top virus adviser, said the 'very disturbing' new rise in cases is being caused in part by the fact that the US never got its first wave under control - only locking down around 50 per cent of the country compared to 97 per cent as happened in most of Europe where daily infections are now very low.
    That meant that when the economy started to reopen, the virus began spreading rapidly almost immediately because there were still a large number infected people to pass the disease along, he told BBC Radio 4 in the UK.
    But he added that the rise is also being driven by people, particularly young people, gathering in large groups, without socially distancing, and often without wearing masks - such as in bars, at beaches, and during protests.
    'What happens when you do that, and you don't wear a mask, you get the kinds of outbreak we're seeing,' he said.
    Number of new daily coronavirus cases in the US tops 52,000 for the first time
    Number of new daily coronavirus cases in the US tops 52,000 for the first time

    ReplyReplies (67)17565
    William1 hour ago
    New cases, but lower death rate, Yahoo left that out.

    ReplyReplies (250)1,321259
    BeverlyJ1 hour ago
    But death rates continue to drop... so my question is.. why is this news? Why is the media making a huge deal about infections when infections are not causing the hospital system to collapse and are not causing death rates to skyrocket? A reasonable person can ask... what am I not being told? And why?

    ReplyReplies (252)1,059272
    stan1 hour ago
    I just love how the writer of this articles last paragraph point at Memorial Day celebrations as reason to recent uptick in infections. What about the thousands of rioters, looters and murder's running the streets cuddled in masses the past few weeks as another reason for uptick?

    ReplyReplies (47)70886
    Scott1 hour ago
    I’m in South Carolina. We had a lot of George Floyd protests roughly two weeks ago and now our COVID rates are spiking. Coincidence?

    ReplyReplies (72)85491
    Carl1 hour ago
    How about a story were only the numbers of those that require hospitalization are given and not the hundreds of thousands that are just sent home to self quarantine. It appears to me that the vast majority of cases require no medical treatment and once it runs its course they have developed anti-bodies that protect them. Sounding more and more like this is a election day issue and not a medical issue anymore.

    ReplyReplies (14)17544
    T. Alan
    T. Alan2 hours ago
    Can anyone report on how the surge in cases has impacted the death toll?

    ReplyReplies (116)58882
    nothing to say
    nothing to say48 minutes ago
    The good news is that much of this is from huge increases in testing......and....the cases are relatively mild......and deaths are overall tracking down.

    ReplyReplies (3)716
    Ernie1 hour ago
    Why is there never any mention of the relationship of the surge to the protests that seem to be timed with recent outbreaks. I guess that would not be PC

    ReplyReplies (45)631104
    gene1 hour ago
    So protesters gathering every night for weeks added no new cases. But going to the beach or shopping did? When will the media tell the truth?

    ReplyReplies (21)29045
    neal1 hour ago
    memorial day celebrations caused the viruses to increase but weeks of protesting had no affect.

    JACOB T1 hour ago
    so Georgia was the 1st to open and they did it at a very fast rate, virtually everything opened in one day, so why aren't they on this list??

    ReplyReplies (40)31452
    Penny Wirt
    Penny Wirt56 minutes ago
    Since the corona virus causes the: flu, influenza, and the common cold, how many of those cases tested positive to COVID-19? This is political, so the governors can shut down the states to keep the economy from rebounding. What about the protesters and the rioters - in thousands doing their thing? Is it not possible, since we have a 14-day incubation period, that they made a friendly contribution to the Virus Spread. What about Masks - they keep us from breathing oxygen - we exhale carbon monoxide, so we are breathing in our germs all day. This creates a lovely environment for anerobic pathology to proliferate. For those who work with masks all day on a weekly basis, this also causes immune system suppression, where you are able to anything. This virus is anerobic, which means it cannot proliferate in high Oxygen or an environment that is highly Alkaline. Oh I forgot to mention the closing of our Beaches. I live in Florida, and our beaches for Maimi Beach, Ft. Lauderdale, Pompano Beach and Palm Beach have been closed for the 4th of July Weekend. These areas are a big tourist place for those that want to celebrate the July 4th holiday. Now our beaches and bars are closed. "Let government kill the tourist industry for the holiday in Dade-Broward and Palm Beach Counties. Keep the businesses and the economy closed ! ! ! Our Sun provides UV Rays and Vit. D which will deactivate the virus, and our Oceans are very very Alkaline. Doesn't it make sense for government to treat us like criminals, and deny us the glory of celebrating this weekend by closing our beaches ( the oceans and the sun will de-activate the virus, this is one modality that will prevent the spread of the virus). America wake up, this is all political.

    ReplyReplies (27)9765
    Rick1 hour ago
    Not once in the article does it mention that the protesting and riots of the last 2 weeks could have played a factor. She blames Memorial Day gatherings hahaha. Wake up people and realize you are being fed propaganda. Question everything.

    ReplyReplies (4)19128
    James1 hour ago
    Remember a few weeks ago when all they reported was deaths, deaths, deaths? Now they report cases, cases, cases, any they only report the number of new cases, never the number of new TESTS, or any increase or decrease in the number of positives per NUMBER OF TESTS. I think hospitals are going crazy with testing anyone who stands still long enough. Its a hard pill to swallow, but the more cases found, the more they get paid. Deaths are down 90%, so the sensationalist, self-serving media doesn't report that statistic any more.

    ReplyReplies (23)16545
    Craig56 minutes ago
    I've read 12 articles from the MSM this week about COVID spikes and rises in cases. NOT ONE has mentioned that testing is at over 70x the rate it was in April, while cases are at a predictable steady increase, with a slightly higher rise in some states. Also, NOT ONE has mentioned that the death rate is still falling from a high in May. NOT ONE. You're being lied to, manipulated, to create hysteria in an election year.

    ReplyReplies (2)496
    TrainsGuy1 hour ago
    The media will not mention the hundreds of thousands who have been demonstrating for the past six weeks..... The virus has an incubation period of two weeks so the amount of transmissions from the demonstrations is the prime reason for this new surge..... but the media will not print that..... It doesn't fit their narrative.

    cookieduster24 minutes ago
    "Some of the recent increase traces back to Memorial Day holiday celebrations..." They forgot to mention the RIOTS.

    Peter1 hour ago
    I have quit a few friends that were tested, and result was positive. Went somewhere else for testing and the test came back negative.
    Is the numbers right??.

    ReplyReplies (22)16134
    Trent1 hour ago
    But very low death rates and the number of cases is largely based on the evolving method use to count positives. If I test positive and I have a family of four in my house, it is now automatically counted as four positives. In Texas, if I exhibit at least two symptoms I don't need to tested for it to be considered a positive. and on and on. That and stop giving a pass to the thousands upon thousands that gathered shoulder-to-shoulder to protest and riot. Libs will support this by saying "but they were outside and mostly wearing masks". There is NO CDC or medical guidance that has stated you can gather in massive crowds and breach social distancing protocols as long as you're outside and wearing a masks (although they are tons of photos and videos out there showing protesters/rioters wearing nothing). If this were the case, outside spectator sports would not have been canceled and we should be able to pack a college football stadium with 100,000+ in a few months if we're outside and simply wearing masks.

    john2 hours ago
    If recent stats hold true of that 50,000.... 33,000 were common colds, 10,000 were common flu, 6,000 were allergies,leaving 1,000 as POSSIBLE Sars cov-2 candidates. After November cov19 won't be news. The Kardashian's can take back over the # 1 spot with Yahoo.

    ReplyReplies (4)10227
    Daniel1 hour ago
    Convenient we've only been told how awful Florida is while California and the deep blue localities in Texas have skyrocketed in positive cases. Almost like the media are willing to ignore those democratic areas and focus on the republican areas.

    Peg2 hours ago
    As long as the mainstream media is pushing the narrative of cases instead of hospitalizations and deaths we know nothing is true.

    Rob2 hours ago
    Umm, shouldn’t the focus be on hospitalizations and mortality rather than only positive tests? If people aren’t dying or being hospitalized specifically because of the virus then there isn’t a crisis.

    truthseeker2 hours ago
    All four states had major protests featuring mob rule instigated by the Democrat leadership and encouraged to continue by radical far left Mayors and governors. Most members of the insurrection were shoulder to shoulder with zero "social distancing".

    ReplyReplies (7)10920
    Eric49 minutes ago
    Why will the media not mention the death rate? Infection rate is meaningless if everyone recovers.

    543212 hours ago
    Cases are not a bad thing at all. Hospitalizations and deaths are bad. The mortality recedes lower and lower every day but the fear mongering media propaganda wants to discuss cases only.

    ReplyReplies (12)12624
    szatanizmo2 hours ago
    remember folks - virus is only deadly at beaches, parties, churches, small businesses and trump rallies.

    it avoids blm riots so if you want to have a save 4th of july celebration on the beach or in your back yard, invite a few blm'ers

    ReplyReplies (4)9110
    Number 9
    Number 92 hours ago
    Why do they refuse to say protests. It’s always the bars and opening to early. Gtfoh. We don’t believe the narrative anymore

    alexis2 hours ago
    Yes, the protests caused a surge. No, the media isn’t telling you that. Yes, Memorial Day weekend and re-opening caused a surge. This weekend will too. Wait until the election rallies.

    ReplyReplies (1)171
    Dennis2 hours ago
    In my town in Nevada of 55,000 people we have had two cases of covid in the last month.I may not be the smartest guy around but something tells me we are being played again.

    ReplyReplies (1)456
    Bradley2 hours ago

    ReplyReplies (5)9318
    jeff w
    jeff w2 hours ago
    Don't worry the protester won't get it, I can't believe they are to afraid to stop the protesters. they are the cause of the surge in cases now.

    ReplyReplies (5)6210
    Jim2 hours ago
    There are a lot of things that could have been done better over the past few months. But by far the worst thing this government did was to mandate that nursing homes take in COVID patients. That's where the bulk of patients have died. Yet the press wants to give medals the the governors of these three liberal states who did this.

    ReplyReplies (7)14420
    George K.
    George K.2 hours ago
    Well, lets see just how 'deadly' this thing actually is. 85% of the people who get it recover completely and 50% experience symptoms so mild they do not even know the have it.. People who are at risk are generally older people who have other health problems as well, but these same people would also be at risk from Influenza, and even the common cold. Doctors have been told to report anything as coronavirus. The liberal media created the coronavirus panic and it appears it has political undertones and may even be an attempt to overthrow the conservative government and install a liberal Socialist government. This is the same liberal media that brought us David Hogg and gun control.

    ReplyReplies (3)447
    john2 hours ago
    Didn’t we all see this coming. The lock downs were done so hospitals were not over run. It was said that there will be a spike when we go back to normal. So surprise. And the flu and pneumonia is still down 400 times the average!

    ReplyReplies (9)10320
    What the chicken nugget
    What the chicken nugget2 hours ago
    That's just reported cases. How many more people have the virus and don't get tested? We are way passed the 100,000 mark/day.

    Dur2 hours ago
    Out of pure curiosity are they testing in more democrat states or just where Republicans want to hold rallies?

    ReplyReplies (5)546
    Nunya2 hours ago
    Maybe Governor Cuomo can put them all in his NY nursing homes? That worked out so well for NY's elderly population.

    RobertG2 hours ago
    I missed the part about the hospitals being overwhelmed and there being a shortage of respirators, and the death toll spiraling out of control.

    Could it be this was and is still being hyped ?


    Doug2 hours ago
    It’s not because of Memorial Day, that was more than a month ago. The spikes are because of the protests

    ReplyReplies (2)728
    Andy3 hours ago
    I’m sure protests aren’t having any impact on the increase. Must be all those bars, restaurants, and vacations!

    ReplyReplies (18)14735
    TeachAManToFish2 hours ago
    Why is California omitted from their list. In the last 24 hours it's had 2000 more cases than Florida.

    ReplyReplies (3)429
    G C
    G C2 hours ago
    More cases but the death rate keeps dripping. They alwsys seem to forget that.

    ReplyReplies (10)11222
    Kurt2 hours ago
    New cases because of more testing! but lower death rate how about blaming the protesters/rioters!

    Common sense is gone
    Common sense is gone2 hours ago
    Funny in my state they are at their lowest level. Bu we wear masks when in areas of close proximity like stores. Not in places such as parks walking the street etc

    Jake J
    Jake J1 hour ago
    And what has the hospitalization numbers done? I figure if we can get to 200k or more a day by the time the vaccine shill Fauci's drug company buddies get a vaccine they won't have a market to sell the vaccine. We have more numbers because we are testing more people. Give it a rest news media.


    ♥2 hours ago
    The media just can't let Covid go. It's clear the positive tests are rarely becoming severe. The death rate has decreased significantly. Obviously there are more positive tests bc MORE people are being tested. Start testing everyone & their brother for the flu & America would be astonished. They're going to hang on this until November & you won't hear another word about it.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Default How deadly is the coronavirus? The true fatality rate is tricky to find, but research

    How deadly is the coronavirus? The true fatality rate is tricky to find, but researchers are getting closer
    Justin Silverman, Assistant Professor of Information Science and Technology, Pennsylvania State University and Alex Washburne, Disease Ecology Research Scientist, Montana State University
    The ConversationJuly 15, 2020, 7:14 AM
    <span class="caption">Infection fatality rate is simply the number of deaths divided by the number of infections, but finding those numbers is harder than it might seem.</span> <span class="attribution"><a class="link rapid-noclick-resp" href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:AP Photo/John Minchillo">AP Photo/John Minchillo</a></span>
    Infection fatality rate is simply the number of deaths divided by the number of infections, but finding those numbers is harder than it might seem. AP Photo/John Minchillo
    Early reports from January painted a grim picture about just how deadly the coronavirus was. Initially, the World Health Organization estimated that the percentage of infected individuals who die from COVID-19 was 3.4%. That statistic is called the infection fatality rate (IFR) – or colloquially, the death rate – and means that for every hundred people infected with COVID-19, on average, between three and four would die.

    As time has gone on, it has become clear that the true risk of death is much lower. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention currently has a best guess of 0.65% for the IFR. But current estimates fall anywhere between 0.2% and 1%, a surprisingly large range when calculating the infection fatality rate should be as simple as dividing the number of deaths by total infections. And these estimates are changing all the time. In fact, in the time it took to write this article, the CDC changed it’s best estimate of the fatality rate from 0.26% to 0.65%.

    We are two researchers who take a mathematical approach to solving epidemiological and biomedical problems. Back in early March, we published a paper showing that millions more people had been infected with COVID-19 than official case counts reflected. But when we tried to use our results to calculate IFR in the U.S., we encountered firsthand just how difficult it is to do.

    To calculate the infection fatality rate, researchers need to know three things: the number of infections, the number of deaths from infections and which deaths go with which infections. But finding these numbers is far harder than it might seem and these difficulties explain why there has been, and continues to be, so much uncertainty regarding this important number.


    How many infections?
    Knowing how many people have been infected with the coronavirus is the first step to estimating the fatality rate.

    The number of officially reported cases reflects only the number of diagnosed cases which is far less than the real number of people who have been infected.

    Since health officials can’t test everyone, one way to estimate the rate of infection in a population is to test a smaller group of people for signs of previous infection, regardless of whether they have had symptoms. If the smaller group is chosen in a way that makes it demographically representative of the larger population, then researchers can assume the infection rates they find in their test groups are close to the actual population-wide numbers.

    [Research into coronavirus and other news from science Subscribe to The Conversation’s new science newsletter.]

    By taking this approach, researchers have now shown that the total number of infections is likely much larger than the number of diagnosed cases. For example, researchers in New York now estimate that by the end of March, over 2 million residents of New York State had been infected. At the time, there were only 76,000 confirmed infections.

    Our study took a different approach. We looked at records of doctors visits with patients that had flu-like symptoms but not the flu. By accounting for the number of people who would only have mild symptoms of COVID-19 and would not go to the doctors, we estimate that during the last three weeks of March over 8.7 million Americans were infected with SARS-CoV-2. During the same three week period, official case counts recorded just over 100,000 new infections within the U.S.

    Putting this all together, it’s now clear that there have been many more infections than confirmed cases, likely by a factor of 20 or more.

    How many deaths?
    Determining whether COVID-19 was the cause of death – and counting all of those deaths – has been more difficult than you might think.

    Recently, the New York Times reported that at a national level, COVID-19 deaths may be undercounted by 25%. These estimates are coming from the fact that deaths from any cause are far higher this year than normal. Over the course of the pandemic, many patients have died of symptoms similar to COVID-19, but were never tested. In addition, many people are dying at home from complications that appear to be COVID-19, but are also never tested.

    Both infections and deaths have been undercounted, but not to the same degree. Our research suggests health officials were only detecting as few as 1 in 80 infections whereas they have been catching approximately 4 in 5 deaths. As we’ve been discovering uncounted infections at a faster rate than we’ve been discovering uncounted deaths, infection fatality rate estimates have dropped from initial guesses.

    Relation between infections and death
    Even if health officials had accurate pictures of the number of infections and deaths over time, they can’t just divide the number of deaths by March 15 by the number of infections by March 15. It can take weeks before an infected patient dies from COVID-19. To calculate the fatality rate, researchers must correct for the time between the onset of infection and death.

    While there is still uncertainty in this lag between onset of infection and deaths, recent research suggests that a 16-day lag between symptom onset and death is a good guess.

    This lag must be factored into infection fatality rate calculations. For example, assuming patients would get diagnosed within a few days of developing symptoms, to calculate the fatality rate on June 15, researchers would want to divide those deaths by the number of infections on June 1.

    So are current estimates any good?
    Until the U.S. has more widespread random population testing and there’s more research to understand the time lag between infection and death, estimates of the real infection fatality rate will have some uncertainty. Still, since estimates of the actual infection and death numbers are far more accurate today than at the beginning of the pandemic, the current estimates of between 0.2 to 1% are better as well. The CDC suggests that an IFR of 0.65% is the current best estimate.

    It is important to remember that these estimates of infection fatality rates reflect the risk for the average person. Many people will face higher risk and many will face lower risk.

    Older patients or those with preexisting conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure or heart disease are likely at higher risk than the average person. Younger people without significant prior health conditions are at substantially lower risk than the average person. Additionally, access to health care is an important factor in mortality from COVID-19.

    Finally, the infection fatality rate is not set in stone - it is an estimate of what happened in the past, not a predictor of what will happen in the future. If people follow public health guidance on mask wearing, social distancing and self-isolation when sick, it may be possible to reduce infections in high-risk populations and lower the percentage of people that die from this disease. But the opposite is also true. If the virus increasingly spreads in vulnerable populations, or if hospitals become overwhelmed and people can’t access the care they need to recover, more people could die.

    While doctors, public health experts and laboratory researchers are working to secure treatments that will keep people alive even if they do become infected, statisticians like us will keep watching the numbers to help guide policy. It is up to everyday people to change their behavior to change the numbers we see.

    This article was updated on July 15, 2020 to reflect a change in the CDC’s best estimate of the infection fatality rate from 0.26% to 0.65%.

    This article is republished from The Conversation, a nonprofit news site dedicated to sharing ideas from academic experts.
    This article was updated on July 15, 2020 to reflect a change in the CDC’s best estimate of the infection fatality rate from 0.26% to 0.65%.
    Less than 1 % death rate and this nation was shut down..
    Think about that... And most of that 1% was people with other very serious life threatening ailments!
    Do you have any clue how bad this will be for this nation?
    This politically engineered panic?
    How many are even thinking about this nation, its future --our children and grandchildren's futures?
    A rational mind, a logical mind would see and know what has been done was madness.
    But you know, go ahead believe the mainstream media and the politicians-after all they wouldnt lie to suit a political agenda, no sir-Tyr
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 07-15-2020 at 04:04 PM.
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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