Why put your children through this? They repeat things of course, and toddler type are likely clueless. But they remember and learn. And to have photos saved for all time. And if happening in public, what are they teaching their children at home?

At least there are white kids and black kids - equal opportunity parents teaching hate.

Clickable videos at link... watch the poor toddlers.


Adults Have Portland Toddlers Hold Anti-Cop Signs and Repeat ‘F*ck the Police’

Adults in Portland appeared to have toddlers hold anti-cop signs and repeat “fuck the police” for a bystander recording the moment, as the city continues to descend into chaos on a nightly basis.

Journalist Andy Ngo, who has firsthand experience with violent Antifa rioters in Portland, shared a video on social media showing a group of adults walking with toddlers, who were holding anti-cop signs reading “Fuck the Police” and “Eff Trump’s Goons.”

“Show them your sign. Say, ‘Fuck the Police,’” an adult in the background told the children, who innocently repeated the phrase:

And the rest of the article and the continuing violence in Portland - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2...ck-the-police/