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    Default Famous poet , chosen for today.....


    Alfred Noyes, (born Sept. 16, 1880, Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, Eng.—died June 28, 1958, Isle of Wight), English poet, a traditionalist remembered chiefly for his lyrical verse.

    ----- ----BY ALFRED NOYES
    How like the sky she bends above her child,
    One with the great horizon of her pain!
    No sob from our low seas where woe runs wild,
    No weeping cloud, no momentary rain,
    Can mar the heaven-high visage of her grief,
    That frozen anguish, proud, majestic, dumb.
    She stoops in pity above the labouring earth,
    Knowing how fond, how brief
    Is all its hope, past, present, and to come,
    She stoops in pity, and yearns to assuage its dearth.

    Through that fair face the whole dark universe
    Speaks, as a thorn-tree speaks thro’ one white flower;
    And all those wrenched Promethean souls that curse
    The gods, but cannot die before their hour,
    Find utterance in her beauty. That fair head
    Bows over all earth’s graves. It was her cry
    Men heard in Rama when the twisted ways
    With children’s blood ran red.
    Her silence towers to Silences on high;
    And, in her face, the whole earth’s anguish prays.

    It is the pity, the pity of human love
    That strains her face, upturned to meet the doom,
    And her deep bosom, like a snow-white dove
    Frozen upon its nest, ne’er to resume
    Its happy breathing o’er the golden brace
    That she must shield till death. Death, death alone
    Can break the anguished horror of that spell.
    The sorrow on her face
    Is sealed: the living flesh is turned to stone;
    She knows all, all, that Life and Time can tell.

    Ah, yet, her woman’s love, so vast, so tender,
    Her woman’s body, hurt by every dart,
    Braving the thunder, still, still hide the slender
    Soft frightened child beneath her mighty heart.
    She is all one mute immortal cry, one brief
    Infinite pang of such victorious pain
    That she transcends the heavens and bows them down!
    The majesty of grief
    Is hers, and her dominion must remain
    Eternal. Grief alone can wear that crown.

    Source: Collected Poems (1947)



    ************************************************** **************************

    My Tribute poem, honoring Alfred Noyes....

    Defiance, The Gods Fall, And Mortal Reign Begins

    Fiery earth, multitude of chasms deep
    The gods rose from their long and restless sleep,
    Of those few again stirring brave and wise,
    Night’s last breath then magnificent sunrise
    Invincible new Gods as yet unborn
    Quaked the earth, as high heavens are torn.

    Again the gods woke from their restless sleep
    Pale the colors as Gods learned to weep
    Mortal defiance, as it swiftly grows,
    O’ Seer, virgin flesh, in time arose
    Dying Gods their powers had failed to keep
    Earth's realm free, as mankind's destiny seeps.

    Solitude, neglect had laid heavy blows
    Universe its powers, had set new shows
    As retiring Gods fled the future’s flight,
    Man’s spirit therein, sought the blessed light
    Yet in that vein, darkness again held sway
    From fleeing Gods heard, "Mortals too shall pay".

    Robert J. Lindley, 8-13-2020
    Rhyme, ( Man's Powers Grew As The Fleeing Gods Fled )

    Syllables Per Line:
    0 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10
    Total # Syllables:180
    Total # Words::::130
    Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 08-13-2020 at 08:01 PM.
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