So turn on the water at the sink, all good for a few, but won't get hot. Figured someone used it up. Waited like 30 minutes and tried again. Same thing. WTF?

Go downstairs to make sure the pilot light didn't go out. Used to go out a lot on our last unit, but got a new one like 4-5 years ago and problem free since. Well, no more. Water all over but not all of it. Pilot light won't go back on, everything wet I'm sure.

So emergency plumber appointment.

Problem is the unit we have. It used to flood prior to our well system. So the hot water heater is up on a professional made cement box of sorts. Well, that and the unit we have now is discontinued. Guy think he may be able to get it anyway.

It's some "AO Smith" XCVL 50" or similar? unlike others, this one is a tad shorter and fatter than most to accommodate where it goes. We shall see, but not hot water for now.

And I was JUST about to get some flex tape to fix a small pipe leak down there that won't leak unless you turn on the outside hose. Instead, the plumber is gonna do that real quick too.

Probably all only be about $18,450 here in NY. Ok, more like 1500-2000 for the heater and shouldn't be much at all for a quick joint repair.