If you scroll to the very bottom, in white with a black border, is a Google search - only when you do a search, it will be searching Debate Policy only and giving results. And those results will open in a new window.
It's very fast in comparison to the built in vbulletin search. Google already scours our site daily with their bots and scrapes everything they can find. Not a whole lot different than going to Google and searching by typing "site:debatepolicy your search term" and it will find results for that term on the site specified. Fyi - works for any/most websites out there. Saves the time of going to Google and typing it out.
Generic colors that I'll try to enhance if we keep it. I can also move it wherever we feel best if folks like it. It can stay at the bottom out of the way, but maybe forgotten there at times. It can go across the top just underneath the forum navigation bar. And if hated, we can take 5 seconds and toss it away.

or maybe even...