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    Default South Carolina Man Converts to Islam, Plots ‘Netflix-Worthy’ Jihad Massacre

    I don't care the reason these folks decide to convert to Islam nor why they hate America. The why's throughout and ending the article. IMO, the why matters but but only enough to ask them some information as you prepare them for the next life.

    Then every one of them listed below in bold, that turned enemy to their own country & offered aid to terror groups and with actions against our troops or our country - deserves the ** special death penalty.

    The special death penalty is a sentence. You then ask them a few questions to gain some info about their intentions and whys - and then execute them on the spot like animals.


    South Carolina Man Converts to Islam, Plots ‘Netflix-Worthy’ Jihad Massacre

    In yet another instance of the recurring phenomenon of converts to Islam turning to violence, a South Carolina man named Kristopher Sean Matthews pleaded guilty on Tuesday to conspiring to aid the Islamic State (ISIS). Matthews and his accomplice, Jaylyn Christopher Molina, plotted to share information on how to make bombs, and tried to recruit others for ISIS. They also planned jihad bombings themselves in New York City, at Trump Tower and the New York Stock Exchange. Matthews hoped these would be so catastrophic as to give them “rock star status” and even be “Netflix worthy.” And he may have been onto something: after Netflix went all in for pedophilia, why not jihad terror?

    After his conversion, Molina began calling himself “Abdur Rahim” and Matthews went by “Ali Jibreel.” Matthews and Molina both also hated America, as Molina stated explicitly: “Let it be clear, I am against America. America is my enemy.” Besides their plans for New York City, they “also described attacking communications centers and plans to ‘fortify a town barrier and establish the first bases or establish a HQ.’” Bases, that is, from which they could launch more jihad attacks against targets within the country.

    They not only plotted mayhem within the United States, but also both pledged allegiance to the Islamic State (ISIS), discussed traveling to Syria to join up with the jihad group, and even tried to make contact with an ISIS operative who would help them get there. Molina pursued his jihad online, posting instructions on how to train to handle an AK-47, as well as directions on how to build a bomb.

    All this raises questions that have come up many times before, but no matter how many times this happens, these questions have never even been addressed, much less answered: why do so many converts to Islam come to hate their own country? Which comes first? Does their hatred of America lead to their conversion to a religion that has some adherents who are waging war against America? Or does their conversion turn them against their homeland?

    Matthews and Molina are not by any means the first American converts to Islam to try to join ISIS, or to plot violence against their fellow Americans. Spc. Hasan Edmonds, a Muslim member of the U.S. Army National Guard, was arrested in 2015 at Chicago’s Midway Airport; he had been planning to join the Islamic State. His cousin, Jonas “Yunus” Edmonds, was arrested as well. They had allegedly been plotting a jihad attack against a U.S. military facility.

    Is it just a coincidence that so many converts to Islam come to regard the country in which they were born and raised, the land of the families and forefathers, as an enemy? Or is there some connection?

    Spc. Hasan Edmonds clearly believed that his new religion required a shift of his allegiance. “I am already in the American kafir [infidel] army,” he told an informant in January, “and now I wish only to serve in the army of Allah alongside my true brothers.”

    Other American converts to Islam who have turned traitor include Sgt. Hasan Akbar, an American engineer from the 101st Airborne Division, who murdered Captain Christopher Scott Seifert, Major Gregory Stone, and wounded fifteen others in a grenade and small-arms attack in northern Kuwait on March 22, 2003. As he committed his murders, Sgt. Akbar yelled: “You guys are coming into our countries, and you’re going to rape our women and kill our children.”

    Akbar referred to “our women” and “our children” despite the fact that he was not Iraqi or Kuwaiti; he was an American from Los Angeles. But when he became a Muslim, any allegiance he may have had to America was gone. In the same way, al-Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn and the most famous of the traitor converts, the Marin County Mujahid, John Walker Lindh, who was captured in Afghanistan fighting against American troops, also turned against the country of their birth and joined its fiercest enemies.

    All these examples, and there are many, many more like them, raise additional questions as well. Chief among them is this: why, when these Americans converted to Islam, did they fall prey to what we are constantly told is a twisted and hijacked version of a peaceful religion? Why wasn’t the peaceful, tolerant, true Islam that everyone assumes converts to Islam are taught in mosques in the U.S. able to withstand challenge from the supposedly un-Islamic vision that ISIS peddles? Why aren’t the mosques they attended being investigated? And above all, why are our law enforcement and intelligence agencies completely indifferent to these questions? Would they care if that “Netflix worthy” jihad massacre actually did materialize?
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    I don't care the reason these folks decide to convert to Islam nor why they hate America. The why's throughout and ending the article. IMO, the why matters but but only enough to ask them some information as you prepare them for the next life.

    Then every one of them listed below in bold, that turned enemy to their own country & offered aid to terror groups and with actions against our troops or our country - deserves the ** special death penalty.

    The special death penalty is a sentence. You then ask them a few questions to gain some info about their intentions and whys - and then execute them on the spot like animals.


    South Carolina Man Converts to Islam, Plots ‘Netflix-Worthy’ Jihad Massacre

    In yet another instance of the recurring phenomenon of converts to Islam turning to violence, a South Carolina man named Kristopher Sean Matthews pleaded guilty on Tuesday to conspiring to aid the Islamic State (ISIS). Matthews and his accomplice, Jaylyn Christopher Molina, plotted to share information on how to make bombs, and tried to recruit others for ISIS. They also planned jihad bombings themselves in New York City, at Trump Tower and the New York Stock Exchange. Matthews hoped these would be so catastrophic as to give them “rock star status” and even be “Netflix worthy.” And he may have been onto something: after Netflix went all in for pedophilia, why not jihad terror?

    After his conversion, Molina began calling himself “Abdur Rahim” and Matthews went by “Ali Jibreel.” Matthews and Molina both also hated America, as Molina stated explicitly: “Let it be clear, I am against America. America is my enemy.” Besides their plans for New York City, they “also described attacking communications centers and plans to ‘fortify a town barrier and establish the first bases or establish a HQ.’” Bases, that is, from which they could launch more jihad attacks against targets within the country.

    They not only plotted mayhem within the United States, but also both pledged allegiance to the Islamic State (ISIS), discussed traveling to Syria to join up with the jihad group, and even tried to make contact with an ISIS operative who would help them get there. Molina pursued his jihad online, posting instructions on how to train to handle an AK-47, as well as directions on how to build a bomb.

    All this raises questions that have come up many times before, but no matter how many times this happens, these questions have never even been addressed, much less answered: why do so many converts to Islam come to hate their own country? Which comes first? Does their hatred of America lead to their conversion to a religion that has some adherents who are waging war against America? Or does their conversion turn them against their homeland?

    Matthews and Molina are not by any means the first American converts to Islam to try to join ISIS, or to plot violence against their fellow Americans. Spc. Hasan Edmonds, a Muslim member of the U.S. Army National Guard, was arrested in 2015 at Chicago’s Midway Airport; he had been planning to join the Islamic State. His cousin, Jonas “Yunus” Edmonds, was arrested as well. They had allegedly been plotting a jihad attack against a U.S. military facility.

    Is it just a coincidence that so many converts to Islam come to regard the country in which they were born and raised, the land of the families and forefathers, as an enemy? Or is there some connection?

    Spc. Hasan Edmonds clearly believed that his new religion required a shift of his allegiance. “I am already in the American kafir [infidel] army,” he told an informant in January, “and now I wish only to serve in the army of Allah alongside my true brothers.”

    Other American converts to Islam who have turned traitor include Sgt. Hasan Akbar, an American engineer from the 101st Airborne Division, who murdered Captain Christopher Scott Seifert, Major Gregory Stone, and wounded fifteen others in a grenade and small-arms attack in northern Kuwait on March 22, 2003. As he committed his murders, Sgt. Akbar yelled: “You guys are coming into our countries, and you’re going to rape our women and kill our children.”

    Akbar referred to “our women” and “our children” despite the fact that he was not Iraqi or Kuwaiti; he was an American from Los Angeles. But when he became a Muslim, any allegiance he may have had to America was gone. In the same way, al-Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn and the most famous of the traitor converts, the Marin County Mujahid, John Walker Lindh, who was captured in Afghanistan fighting against American troops, also turned against the country of their birth and joined its fiercest enemies.

    All these examples, and there are many, many more like them, raise additional questions as well. Chief among them is this: why, when these Americans converted to Islam, did they fall prey to what we are constantly told is a twisted and hijacked version of a peaceful religion? Why wasn’t the peaceful, tolerant, true Islam that everyone assumes converts to Islam are taught in mosques in the U.S. able to withstand challenge from the supposedly un-Islamic vision that ISIS peddles? Why aren’t the mosques they attended being investigated? And above all, why are our law enforcement and intelligence agencies completely indifferent to these questions? Would they care if that “Netflix worthy” jihad massacre actually did materialize?
    Those that refuse to see shall be the victims of these filthy animals.
    Those that demand these animals be treated with respect and not
    be faced down, not be punished for their murdering ways are the
    dem/lib raving idiots that will caused the future deaths of millions, imho.--Tyr
    18 U.S. Code § 2381-Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    All these examples, and there are many, many more like them, raise additional questions as well. Chief among them is this: why, when these Americans converted to Islam, did they fall prey to what we are constantly told is a twisted and hijacked version of a peaceful religion? Why wasn’t the peaceful, tolerant, true Islam that everyone assumes converts to Islam are taught in mosques in the U.S. able to withstand challenge from the supposedly un-Islamic vision that ISIS peddles? Why aren’t the mosques they attended being investigated? And above all, why are our law enforcement and intelligence agencies completely indifferent to these questions? Would they care if that “Netflix worthy” jihad massacre actually did materialize?
    Because it's a lie.

    Islam is NOT a religion of peace. It didn't start as a religion of war, but it became one. I wrote the following - it is not a cut and paste from someone else:

    This is a bare-bones summary of the creation of Islam.

    • In 610 CE, a 40-year-old illiterate merchant named Mohamed announced to the pagans of the Arabian Peninsula city of Mecca that he had received a message from God, via the angel Gabriel, that he had been chosen to become God's final prophet.
    • He began exhorting the pagans to abandon their gods and to follow him in submission (Islam) to the "one true god".
    • He claimed to receive such revelations, collectively called the Qur'an, for the remaining 23 years of his life and preached them from memory.
    • Therefore, to be a Muslim is to believe that the Qur'an is a verbatim sermon from God that created and defined a new religion called Islam.
    • The first 86 surahs (chapters) were revealed from 610 to 622 while Mohamed lived in Mecca.
    • The remaining 28 surahs came from 622 to 632 when he lived in Medina.
    • By the time of Mohamed's death the Qur'an had grown to 6,236 verses.
    • It was not compiled into written form until after his death.
    • It was compiled roughly by order of size of surah rather than chronologically.

    • These surahs are little more than repetitions of Old Testament stories of Moses, Adam, Noah, Lot, etc. The story of Jesus and Mary is told, but while denying Jesus is the son of God.
    • The five pillars were defined - faith, prayer, fasting, alms, pilgrimage.
    • The only other discernable difference between Islam and Judaism in terms of theology to that point was that Mohamed was to be the Abrahamic world's new spiritual leader.
    • No mention of fighting (armed jihad as opposed to personal jihad) appeared during this period.
    • The greatest sin/crime was defined as disbelief in God.
    • The oneness of God, the promise of Heaven for believers, and the threat of a literal Hell for unbelievers were the primary tenets of the Meccan period. They were repeated hundreds of times.

    This period can be summarized by the following verses":

    39:62 - "Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the Guardian and Disposer of all affairs".
    17:111 - "He has not begotten a son and has no partner in His Kingdom".
    41:30 - "Those who have said, 'Our Lord is God.' ... rejoice in Paradise that you were promised'".
    29:68 - "Who does more wrong than he who invents a lie against Allah or rejects the Truth when it reaches him? Is there not a home in Hell for those who reject Faith?".

    • Mohamed claimed to have uncovered a plot to kill him, so he and the few followers he had managed to attract sought refuge in the largely Jewish city of Yathrib. This migration is known as the Hijrah, and is the start of the Islamic calendar.
    • The tone and message of the Qur'an changed immediately.
    • All rules regarding daily life (diet, marriage, inheritance, etc.) in the Islamic community were introduced.
    • Fighting "in the cause of God" was introduced.
    • Hostilities began against the pagans of Mecca when Mohamed raided their caravans.
    • Three major battles were fought against the pagans resulting in the Muslims claiming final victory.
    • Two of the three major Jewish tribes were expelled from Yathrib and their property confiscated.
    • The men and youths of the third Jewish tribe were beheaded, and the women and children were taken as slaves.
    • Mohamed renamed Yathrib to Al Medinat Al Nabi (The City of The Prophet), and became known as Medina.
    • Control of Mecca and the Kaaba were ceded to Mohamed.
    • The Arabian Peninsula steadily came under Mohamed's control via military conquest and bloodless capitulation.
    • He initiated military campaigns against Yemen and the Byzantine empire.
    • The last verses of the Qur'an were revealed.
    • Mohamed died in 632.
    • His successors continued the military campaigns he started, resulting in the creation of a vast Islamic empire.

    One of the last verses revealed describes the final, militaristic turn that Islam took in its evolution:

    9:111 - "Allah hath bought from the believers their lives and their wealth because the Garden will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain".
    The only way to make Islam sound compatible with the modern world is to lie about it.

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