One thing that should be looked at for generating electricity is Thorium nuclear reactors. They have a lot of advantages over the current Uranium/Plutonium reactors

1. Thorium is 10x more plentiful that Uranium in the Earth's crust (Plutonium must be bred in a nuclear reactor)
2. Thorium or its fissile components cannot be used to make nuclear weapons
3. Thorium waste products have a half life of hundreds instead of thousands of years
4. Thorium Liquid Salt Reactors are safe, if there is a malfunction, they simply stop working.
5. Thorium is currently a waste product that is mixed in with Rare Earth metals in the US. This makes Rare Earth mining in the US not feasible economically. As a result, we must import our rare earths from China... which explains the chip shortage. Thorium reactors will make this economically feasible