Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post
You are certainly right. He does not-OWN-- the team!
His time there is bound to end sometime, so he should be decent, gracious and not act like a spoiled child, imho.
Damn, is he that stupid that he expects the team not to prep for his certain to one day come eventual departure?
Why ACT childish when he already has the fame, the money and the time in the limelight?
And yes, Bradshaw was a damn ""badass QB"". And always a character, and I certainly I mean both of those in a very good way!!--Tyr
Rodgers is simply saying FU to the team that has already invested over $120 million dollars into his bank account. He's aiming for another payday. And if not, he's going to blame the team as much as possible and then get a large 1 or 2 year contract elsewhere. Contracts and loyalty mean absolutely nothing anymore in the NFL.

Bradshaw certainly had many times in the spotlight when he downright sucked!! But the TEAM grew as a whole and they eventually were the best. Terry was tough as hell underneath and could take the beatings he received. But the teams were different back then. And even with 4 bowls over a 10 year period, you didn't see guys bailing after a SB win for a payday elsewhere. Contracts were honored and loyalty existed. Guys were known to rework and take less money if they had to, but wanted to remain, wanted the "team" together & were family oriented. Why I always loved the Steelers.

But Rodgers is being a dick IMO. And he's far from the first pulling this BS. Le'veon Bell sat out an entire year on purpose with the Steelers and ended up elsewhere for more money - and hasn't ever been the same since, not nearly as many yards and carries. Haha for him. It's ALL about money money money and making as much as possible.