They couldn't have anything to do with funding a wall and more security at our southern border, and now things there are at insanity level.

But they can afford to leave billions worth of equipment?

Is that typical to not only get up and cut ship like that, but to leave so much equipment and so much weapons behind?


Taliban Captures Billions In U.S. Supplied Military Equipment

The Taliban has reportedly made off with billions of dollars in U.S. supplied military equipment and weapons. During a press briefing on Tuesday, Biden’s National Security Agency Adviser Jake Sullivan confirmed a “fair amount” of weaponry fell into the hands of the terrorists.

These U.S. military assets include ammo, firearms, helicopters and other combat aircraft surrendered or abandoned by the Afghan army. Top military officials said they were unable to provide any sort of plan to stop the seizure or get the assets back.

Reporter: “So there’s no U.S. actions being taken to prevent equipment from falling into the hands of the Taliban by destroying it or anything else?”

U.S. Army Major Gen. Hank Taylor: “I don’t have the answer to that question.”

Reporter: “You don’t have the answer.”

According to the AP, the U.S. invested more than $83 billion into developing and sustaining Afghanistan’s army and police forces.