No poll, just a topic for discussion.

It was recently asked in a similar thread why no one was questioning the marrital relations of the GOP candidates, so I figured what the hell? Why not start a thread about their marriages, failed and otherwise?

Personally, much like the Clintons, I couldn't care less. Divorce is not an issue for me. Perhaps this is because I am a child of divorce, my first marriage ended in divorce, and I am not particularly fond of religious doctrine. I have never been of the opinion that unhappy people should stay together for the "sake of the children," I believe this is bad for the children. I don't believe that two unhappy people should stay together because of vows exchanged in a church. It is, IMO, unhealthy, both mentally and physically, for two people who are miserable in their relationship to stay together. It is unhealthy for them, any children involved, and for those in their circle of family and friends.